[Fiware-lab-help] R: FI-Lab Assistance

Antonino Ferraro antonino.ferraro at arancia-ict.it
Tue Apr 21 17:50:50 CEST 2015

Many Thanks Daniele! Now it's more clear.

I take this opportunity to ask you another question:

About how to create Blueprint Templates functionality:
•	In the creation of a new Tier for my specific template, I can’t view
and I can’t select the ‘POI data provider GE’ (poi_dp 3.3.3) in the  right
panel ‘Software in Catalogue’, maybe I do something wrong?

Instead if I click  the ‘Open catalog’ button of Blueprint Templates I can
see an existing template called ‘poidataprovider’ with a Tier called ‘poi_dp

Thanks in advance.

Ing. Antonio Ferraro
mail: antonino.ferraro at arancia-ict.it
cell.: +39-3450553987
telefono: 091-7852062
ICT Consultant 
ARANCIA-ICT – via Resuttana Colli n° 360 - 90146, Palermo

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Daniele Santoro [mailto:daniele.santoro at create-net.org] 
Inviato: martedì 21 aprile 2015 17:29
A: Antonino Ferraro
Cc: fiware-lab-help; Massimo Perillo; Francesco Bianco
Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance


Launching an instance from an image will simply start a single virtual
machine based on that image. Blueprints let you start a more complex
architecture composed by many tiers/instances which compose your
application. These tiers are basically virtual machine instances plus
specific software (from catalogue) already installed.
Here you can read more about this:

And you can get  information/help about the FIWARE platform on:
- The FIWARE Academy e-learning portal: http://edu.fiware.org
- Video tutorials: http://help.lab.fi-ware.org
- Questions/Answers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/fiware
Best regards

On 21 Apr 2015, at 15:13, Antonino Ferraro <antonino.ferraro at arancia-ict.it>

> Hi,
> in the FI-WARE architecture I do not understand the difference between
Blueprint instances ( obtained from the deployment of Blueprint Template)
and instances of virtual server obtained from the launch of images.
> According to which criteria is best to choose one of the two scenarios for
the set the infrastructure of an application?
> Can you please better clarify this.
> Greetings,
> Antonio Ferraro.
> <image001.png>
> Ing. Antonio Ferraro
> mail: antonino.ferraro at arancia-ict.it
> cell.: +39-3450553987
> telefono: 091-7852062
> ICT Consultant 
> ARANCIA-ICT – via Resuttana Colli n° 360 - 90146, Palermo
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