[Fiware-lab-help] FIWARE Lab Assistance

Daniele Santoro daniele.santoro at create-net.org
Tue Aug 11 11:50:02 CEST 2015


I’ve forwarded your request to the second level support. They will give you the needed help.


On 10 Aug 2015, at 18:14, João Maurício <joao.goncalves.mauricio at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello FIWARE Lab Assistance,
> I am trying to build a simple Wirecloud Application Mashup, with the "NGSI source" and "Map Viewer" components, like the one described here (https://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Application_Mashup_-_Wirecloud_-_User_and_Programmer_Guide) but using the testing service available at
> Since I am a newcomer to the FIWARE platform, I started by following these simple instructions (http://www.fiware.org/devguides/connection-to-the-internet-of-things/how-to-read-measures-captured-from-iot-devices/ and http://catalogue.fiware.org/enablers/backend-device-management-idas/instances) and managed to successfully create a virtual (python) device, publish and read observations to/from it. Then, I played with the FIWARE Lab for a while and also managed to successfully use the "NGSI browser" and "Spy Wiring" widgets to read my device's data. Finally, when I tried to use the "NGSI source" operator to "automatise" the readings, nothing happened. Components configurations below:
> NGSI Browser
> 	NGSI server URL:
> 	Use the FIWARE credentials of the user: Yes
> 	NGSI entity types: [LEFT_BLANK]
> 	Id pattern: test123
> 	Extra Attributes: temp
> NGSI Source
> 	NGSI server URL:
> 	NGSI proxy URL: https://ngsiproxy.lab.fiware.org (also tried other addresses, without success)
> 	Use the FIWARE credentials of the user: Yes
> 	Use the FIWARE credentials of the workspace owner: No (also tried with "Yes")
> 	NGSI entity types: [LEFT_BLANK]
> 	Id pattern: test123
> 	Monitored NGSI Attributes: temp
> Please note that the "NGSI Source" operator worked perfectly with its default configuration.
> Moreover I've also read here (https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-2916) that the ContextBroker must support HTTPS; does that mean that the public testing server doesn't support it and that I can't use it for my final purpose? Or there is a way to use it without the NGSI proxy (another operator perhaps)?
> Thank you.
> Best regards,
> João Maurício
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