[Fiware-lab-help] Problems accessing our Fiware Lab machine. FINODEX012.

Carlos Corrales carlos at secmotic.com
Wed Aug 19 11:52:12 CEST 2015


I am Carlos Corrales, one of the developers for FINODEX012 (SAPIN Project).

We rebooted the machine which has the public IP associated, and we are not
able to access. It is in the Spain 2 region, which seems to be working
according to the Fiware Sanity check http://fi-health.lab.fiware.org/

We tried doing traceroute, and the route reaches the machine, but it does
not end. We did a modification in the rc.local file in order to be able to
add all the ssh keys needed for our developers. It may be the issue (I
tested the script before and it worked properly).

Could you please try to help us? We have to finish some small changes this

Thanks in advance

Carlos Corrales
Cofounder Secmotic Innovation S.L.
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