[Fiware-lab-help] Request for public IP Ghent region for launching a Kurento instance

Sándor Laki laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu
Wed Feb 4 16:23:33 CET 2015

Dear Jan,

I have just tried to reproduce the steps described in the attachment and 
found some issues with blueprint templates too. I'm reporting it to the 
developers of blueprint templates.
However, to bypass your problem you can create a kurento instance from 
preinstalled images as well. For that, please use latest kurento image 
kurento-image-R5.0.4 by launching it in the Images menu. For the network 
settings, choose publicInternal (or similar) and than floating IP from 
publicRange can be assigned to it, enabling you to reach it from outside.

Note that Spain has already run out of resources, so please use other 

I hope it helps you to start experimenting with Kurento.


2015.02.04. 15:48 keltezéssel, Jan Moons írta:
> Dear all,
> I did get any feedback whatsoever on this email from the support team 
> from the Ghent node.
> Just tried to create an instance on Spain, Gent and Budapest but 
> without any luck.
> In attachment you can find the actions I have undertaken so far to get 
> a kurento server up and running.
> Please, I need a response quickly ! I want to start verifying my 
> webrtc app against a public Kurento server!
> BR,
> Jan
> On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 9:37 PM, Sándor Laki 
> <laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu <mailto:laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu>> wrote:
>     Dear Jan,
>     Your request was forwarded to the support team of Ghent node.
>     However, you can also use other regions where larger public IP
>     range is available (e.g. in Budapest) and you can assign it to
>     your project through the cloud portal.
>     Best regards,
>     Sandor
>     -- On behalf of level-1 suport team
>     2015.01.16. 16:14 keltezéssel, Jan Moons írta:
>>     Dear,
>>     UXprobe is one of the Fiware projects that recently got excepted.
>>     For our project we want to use the Kurento media server, but I am
>>     not able to get one running.
>>     I have been in contact with tech support trying to solve it but
>>     with no success - Ticket #25!
>>     This is what they replied to me today:
>>     "... From the FIWARE support I know they were able to launch a
>>     Kurento Blueprint in Geant using a public IP. So please ask
>>     through this listfiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org
>>     <mailto:fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>a public IP in Geant
>>     (which should be the closer regio to you) and try again to deploy."
>>     What I understand from this message is that I have to contact you
>>     to get a public IP for the Ghent region to set up the Kurento
>>     server... correct?
>>     Hope you can help, because I need to get this up and running as
>>     quickly as possible!
>>     Best regards,
>>     *
>>     *
>>     *Jan Moons*
>>     Co-Founder UXprobe
>>     +32 485 / 69 78 35 <tel:%2B32%20485%20%2F%2069%2078%2035>
>>     Schaffelberg 12
>>     2220 Heist-op-den-Berg
>>     BELGIUM
>>     _______________________________________________
>>     Fiware-lab-help mailing list
>>     Fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org  <mailto:Fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>
>>     https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help
>     -- 
>     Sándor Laki
>     EU FP7 FI-PPP XIFI project,
>     Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
>     Hungarian Academy of Sciences
>     Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.
>     H-1121, Budapest, Hungary
>     Cell:+36 70 374 2646  <tel:%2B36%2070%20374%202646>
>     Skype: sandor.laki
>     XIFI:https://fi-xifi.eu/home.html
>     FI-PPP:http://www.fi-ppp.eu/
> -- 
> Best regards,
> *
> *
> *Jan Moons*
> Co-Founder UXprobe
> +32 485 / 69 78 35
> Schaffelberg 12
> 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg
> _______________________________________________
> Fiware-lab-help mailing list
> Fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org
> https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help

Sándor Laki
EU FP7 FI-PPP XIFI project,
Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.
H-1121, Budapest, Hungary
Cell: +36 70 374 2646
Skype: sandor.laki

XIFI: https://fi-xifi.eu/home.html
FI-PPP: http://www.fi-ppp.eu/

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