[Fiware-lab-help] Problem allocating a floating IP in Budapest Node

Guillermo Jiménez Prieto guillermo.jimenez at imdea.org
Mon Feb 16 12:31:10 CET 2015

Hi again Andrew,

This is a problem with Budapest node, I’m adding budapest- support to help you with the allocation of Floating IPs.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best Regards.

Guillermo Jiménez Prieto
(+34 91 10 12202) ext 4128
guillermo.jimenez at imdea.org
IMDEA Software Institute - Telefónica I+D Joint Research Unit

> On 13 Feb 2015, at 10:40, Andrew Akhtar <Andrew.Akhtar at uws.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Guillermo
> Thanks for the advice, I tried Prague but still had an Error.  I then
> tried Budapest and managed to get the instance status to Active and Power
> state to Running, which is further than I got before.  I¹m now having
> trouble setting a floatingIP address.  The publicRange currently has 3
> available. When I try an allocate I get an error:
> {"computeFault": {"message": "The server has either erred or is incapable
> of performing the requested operation.", "code": 500}}
> Could this be a resource issue on the server?
> Andy
> On 12/02/2015 17:42, "Guillermo Jiménez Prieto"
> <guillermo.jimenez at imdea.org> wrote:
>> Hi Andrew,
>> In which region are you trying to deploy the instance?
>> Maybe you are deploying in any region out of resources.
>> Please, try to deploy in Budapest or Prague.
>> It should be working.
>> Regards and let me know if you have any other problem or even the same.
>> ----------------------------------
>> Guillermo Jiménez Prieto
>> (+34 91 10 12202) ext 4128
>> guillermo.jimenez at imdea.org
>> IMDEA Software Institute - Telefónica I+D Joint Research Unit
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I’ve been trying to get an instance of MiWi-POI server<https://cloud.lab.fiware.org/#nova/images/3d4fcdb4-4fed-4ec3-8c72-a73fee657168 <https://cloud.lab.fiware.org/#nova/images/3d4fcdb4-4fed-4ec3-8c72-a73fee657168>> up and running so I can try out the POI Data Provider GE. However I’m having problems getting it to run.
In the Instance table view I have:
Instance name : Name of my Instance
IP Address: Blank
Size: 2048 MB RAM | 1 VCPU | 20GB Disk
Keypair: the key value
Status: ERROR
Task: None
Power State : NO STATE
When I try and associate an IP address to an instance under the Security tab, I get the following error: Error: undefined. Cause: 400 Error info<https://cloud.lab.fiware.org/# <https://cloud.lab.fiware.org/#>>
Ports 80, 8080 and 22 are open
Could you tell me where I’m going wrong.
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[Created via e-mail received from: Andrew Akhtar <Andrew.Akhtar at uws.ac.uk>]
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