[Fiware-lab-help] [FINESCE WP4] Problems when calling ( from

Massimiliano Nigrelli massimiliano.nigrelli at eng.it
Wed Jan 7 15:43:26 CET 2015

Dear Jose, dear all,
we have again the same type of issue we faced two times in the last months.

 From,  calling our application deployed on 
( is impossible (there are routing problems for the ACK 
packets "on the way back").
You can find an example capture attached.

Could you please apply the "workaround" you previously used?

We are available for a joint session via Skype of course.

Thank you in advance.




Massimiliano Nigrelli
Direzione Ricerca e Innovazione - R&D Lab
massimiliano.nigrelli at eng.it

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
Viale Regione Siciliana, 7275 - 90146 Palermo (Italy)

Phone: +39


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