[Fiware-lab-help] FW: FI-Lab Assistance

Uwe Herzog herzog at eurescom.eu
Wed Jan 14 14:33:44 CET 2015

Dear node helpdesks,

I received below help request which affects several nodes: Budapest, Prague, Berlin, Zurich, Crete and Lannion, please take a look below, and also check the attached original message.

It refers to Jira ticket http://jira.fi-ware.org/browse/HELP-1916
I send you that by email because I cannot assign a ticket to multiple nodes.

Please decide yourself if you want to answer directly to the user or provide me the answer if you want me to send the feedback to the user. Make sure you always cc fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org> if you answer directly to the user.

Best regards,

From: Vuk Banjanin [mailto:vuk.banjanin at codecentric.de]
Sent: 14 January 2015 10:30
To: Uwe Herzog
Subject: Re: [Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance

Thank you for the fast reply. The regions in question are Budapest, Prague, Berlin, Zurich, and Crete, and i was able to create in image instance on Lannion, but i wasn't able to connect it to a floating Ip, i could only connect to it via the "view display" function in the browser. I've had success with the Poznan region, where everything works fine. All the mentioned regions (except Poznan) returned errors when trying to create instances of Blueprints. When i tried to create an instance of an image on the mentioned regions, i also got an error, but i think this was due to the reason that no floating IP address could be associated with an image.
I have another question. Is there a way to run an instance on the virtual machine locally, for testing purposes? Thank you in advance.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Uwe Herzog <herzog at eurescom.eu<mailto:herzog at eurescom.eu>> wrote:
Hi Vuk,
 from your email it reads that this might be an issue for several regions except Lannion for which you say things work fine.
 Could you let me know which specific regions you have tried where it did not work, so that I can forward your request accordingly?
 Best regards,
Srdačan pozdrav / Best regards,
Vuk Banjanin
codecentric d.o.o.
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From: Vuk Banjanin <vuk.banjanin at codecentric.de>
Subject: [Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance
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