[Fiware-lab-help] Fwd: Kurento Instances

Sándor Laki laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu
Fri Jan 23 15:55:49 CET 2015

Dear Manuel,

I saw that you experienced some problems in the Budapest region. Could 
you send us more details about it?
Kurento, Orion and CEP were tested several times and they worked properly.
I would appriciate if you could forward the instance id and your 
username used in our region, since there are no instances belonging to 
"manuel-baumann" in Budapest, and I cannot find any requests from your 
user in the log files from the past week.

Thank you for your reply in advance!
Best regards,
Sandor -- on behalf of Budapest support team

2015.01.23. 14:59 keltezéssel, Manuel Baumann írta:
> Dear Fiware Lab Help Team
> Can you please help me with the problem below? I first misguided the 
> email to the owner of the Kurento software.
> Thanks
> Manuel
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> *Subject: **Re: Kurento Instances*
>> *From: *Manuel Baumann <manuelbaumann at oviva.ch 
>> <mailto:manuelbaumann at oviva.ch>>
>> *Date: *23 Jan 2015 11:25:10 CET
>> *Cc: *Javier Lopez Fernandez <fjlopez at naevatec.com 
>> <mailto:fjlopez at naevatec.com>>, Ivan Gracia <igracia at kurento.org 
>> <mailto:igracia at kurento.org>>
>> *To: *Luis López Fernández <luis.lopez at urjc.es 
>> <mailto:luis.lopez at urjc.es>>
>> Hi Luis, Javier and Ivan
>> My goal is to start a Kurento instance (since the public instance is 
>> not available/broken). My problem is, that so far any kind of 
>> instance changes immediately to error state some seconds after 
>> launching and there is no further debug information available. For 
>> example:
>> What I tried so far: Starting an ubuntu instance, a centos instance, 
>> a cep instance and as mentioned above an kurento instance. Also in 
>> different locations (Berlin, Zurich, Budapest, ...), as suggested in 
>> the popover.
>> I tried self created keypairs as well as keypairs created by the system.
>> Let me show you how I create an instance (Ubuntu) in Berlin:
>> #cloud-config
>> #
>> # This script automatically installs network interfaces in the instance.
>> # You can modify it, but be careful not to change network configuration.
>> write_files:
>> - encoding: b64
>>   content: |
>> YXV0byBsbyAKaWZhY2UgbG8gaW5ldCBsb29wYmFjawogYXV0byBldGgwIAogaWZhY2UgZXRoMCAgaW5ldCBkaGNwCg==
>>   path: /etc/network/interfaces
>> - content: |
>>     DEVICE="eth0"
>>     NM_CONTROLLED="yes"
>>     ONBOOT="yes"
>>     BOOTPROTO="dhcp"
>>     TYPE="Ethernet"
>>   path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>>   permissions: '460'
>> bootcmd:
>>   - ifup eth0
>> I am quite proficient with cloud computing infrastructures and linux, 
>> but can’t get anything running. What is suspicious though is the 0 GB 
>> disk available.
>> Thanks for any advice
>> Cheers
>> Manuel
>> Oviva AG <http://ovivacoach.com/>
>> Manuel Baumann / Co-Founder
>> +41 78 908 85 96 / manuel.baumann at oviva.ch 
>> <mailto:manuel.baumann at oviva.ch>
>> Oviva AG
>> Kernstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich
>> http://ovivacoach.ch <http://ovivacoach.ch/>
>> Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/OvivaCoachCH> Twitter 
>> <https://twitter.com/OvivaCoach> Google Plus 
>> <https://plus.google.com/108154404570208334129>
>> This e-mail message may contain confidential or legally privileged 
>> information and is intended only for the use of the intended 
>> recipient(s). Any unauthorized disclosure, dissemination, 
>> distribution, copying or the taking of any action in reliance on the 
>> information herein is prohibited. E-mails are not secure and cannot 
>> be guaranteed to be error free as they can be intercepted, amended, 
>> or contain viruses. Anyone who communicates with us by e-mail is 
>> deemed to have accepted these risks. Oviva AG is not responsible for 
>> errors or omissions in this message and denies any responsibility for 
>> any damage arising from the use of e-mail. Any opinion and other 
>> statement contained in this message and any attachment are solely 
>> those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the 
>> company.
>>> On 23 Jan 2015, at 11:10, Luis López Fernández <luis.lopez at urjc.es 
>>> <mailto:luis.lopez at urjc.es>> wrote:
>>> Hi Manuel,
>>> I CC Javier and Iván.
>>> Can you explain us a little bit what are you trying to do and what's 
>>> the problem you're facing?
>>> Best.
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>> Luis López Fernández
>>> Subdirector de Investigación y Relaciones con la Empresa
>>> Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación
>>> Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
>>> http://www.etsit.urjc.es <http://www.etsit.urjc.es/>
>>> e-mail: luis.lopez at urjc.es <mailto:luis.lopez at urjc.es>
>>> Tf1: +34 914 888 747
>>> Tf2: + 34 914 888 713
>>> El 22/01/2015, a las 17:13, Manuel Baumann <manuelbaumann at oviva.ch 
>>> <mailto:manuelbaumann at oviva.ch>> escribió:
>>>> Hi Luis
>>>> We evaluate the Kurento Software for integrating it into our 
>>>> product called http://ovivacoach.com <http://ovivacoach.com/> . 
>>>> However, we find the global instances 
>>>> (http://catalogue.fi-ware.org/enablers/stream-oriented-kurento/instances) 
>>>> to be unavailable and we were not able to start an instance in the 
>>>> fiware lab due to resource issues and technical errors occurring.
>>>> Can you help us with that?
>>>> Cheers & Thanks
>>>> Manuel
>>>> Oviva AG <http://ovivacoach.com/>
>>>> Manuel Baumann / Co-Founder
>>>> +41 78 908 85 96 / manuel.baumann at oviva.ch 
>>>> <mailto:manuel.baumann at oviva.ch>
>>>> Oviva AG
>>>> Kernstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich
>>>> http://ovivacoach.ch <http://ovivacoach.ch/>
>>>> Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/OvivaCoachCH> Twitter 
>>>> <https://twitter.com/OvivaCoach> Google Plus 
>>>> <https://plus.google.com/108154404570208334129>
>>>> This e-mail message may contain confidential or legally privileged 
>>>> information and is intended only for the use of the intended 
>>>> recipient(s). Any unauthorized disclosure, dissemination, 
>>>> distribution, copying or the taking of any action in reliance on 
>>>> the information herein is prohibited. E-mails are not secure and 
>>>> cannot be guaranteed to be error free as they can be intercepted, 
>>>> amended, or contain viruses. Anyone who communicates with us by 
>>>> e-mail is deemed to have accepted these risks. Oviva AG is not 
>>>> responsible for errors or omissions in this message and denies any 
>>>> responsibility for any damage arising from the use of e-mail. Any 
>>>> opinion and other statement contained in this message and any 
>>>> attachment are solely those of the author and do not necessarily 
>>>> represent those of the company.
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Sándor Laki
EU FP7 FI-PPP XIFI project,
Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.
H-1121, Budapest, Hungary
Cell: +36 70 374 2646
Skype: sandor.laki

XIFI: https://fi-xifi.eu/home.html
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