[Fiware-lab-help] Connection to an instance on Stockholm region

Tero Vuorela tero.vuorela at iki.fi
Thu Jan 29 05:43:03 CET 2015


I have been using instances on Stockholm region several days without any
problems (ssh and http). However now I haven't been able to connect.
When try to use ssh I get just "No route to host".  

After I got my instances working I have not changed any settings using
FI-Lab UI. Also in last two days I have not installed any software to
instances, only running generic enablers. I have two servers on
Stockholm region and the connection problem is exactly same and have
been this way at least for 12 hours.

ID: 9389febd-bcc2-4e2f-83ba-c4c9356dd210 

ID: 4d32baf1-6403-4ac7-91aa-ecfec6a23521 

I tried to reboot the latter instance but it seems that (based on FI-Lab
UI)  it stays on REBOOTING state, now already 8 hours.

Could you check situation with Stockholm region, and possibly instruct
me how to provide more diagnostics information?

Tero Vuorela

  Tero Vuorela
  tero.vuorela at iki.fi

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