[Fiware-lab-help] Choosing a hardware environment to work with Fi-Ware

bernie at mallorcamyplace.com bernie at mallorcamyplace.com
Thu Jul 9 19:27:21 CEST 2015

Hi Fi-Ware help,

Our Soul-Fi Phase B application has recently been accepted for funding 
and we are now looking for a suitable IoT hardware development 
environment. We have significant programming and electronic design 
capability, but no practical hands on experience with the Internet of 
Things and Fi-Ware.
Our project will require us to interface with an electromechanical 
device, camera, microphone, speaker and a number of sensors. We will 
obviously also want to communicate and store data to the Fi-Ware cloud 
and utilise Fi-Ware enablers in our configuration.
Currently we are looking at Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Netduino and 
Microsoft Gadgeteer to set up our first prototype breadboard system.  At 
this stage price is not the main consideration, what is important is 
that the system we choose provides a fast-track into IoT and gets a 
prototype up and
running quickly so that we can confirm the feasibility of the design. We 
only have six months to achieve a result after we finalised the 
contracts and get a start date for the project. We don't want to 
reinvent the wheel, so to speak, and so any advice you can give us in 
choosing the best hardware to build our prototype and interface with 
Fi-Ware would be most gratefully received.

With Kind Regards
Bernie Butler.

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