[Fiware-lab-help] Orion Context Broker

Pedro Gonçalves pgoncalves at plux.info
Tue Jul 14 18:27:55 CEST 2015


I had an instance of Orion Context Broker deployed on a Virtual Machine and
it was working correctly.

Now, it's not working properly anymore:

I'm subcribing to context changes with the following message:

  "entities": [
      "type": "Patient",
      "isPattern": "true",
      "id": ".*"
  "reference": "",
  "duration": "P1M",
  "notifyConditions": [
      "type": "ONCHANGE",
      "condValues": [
  "throttling": "PT1S"

I IMMEDIATELY receive a POST on my Rest Server with all the information
regarding the entities I subscribed to (all). However, whenever any of the
fields of these entities change (and they ACTUALLY change - I know because
I queried the entities) I do not receive a notification on my server


*[image: Inline image 1]*

*Pedro GonçalvesResearch Software EngineerPLUX - Wireless Biosignals, S.A.*

*Zona Industrial das Corredouras, Lt. 14 - 1º2630-369 Arruda dos
VinhosPortugalT: +351 263 978 572*
*Lisbon Office*
Av. 5 de Outubro, 70 - 8º
1050-059 Lisboa
*T*: +351 211 956 542
*T*: +351 211 956 546
*F*: +351 211 956 531

*W*: www.plux.info
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