[Fiware-lab-help] [FI-WARE-JIRA] (FLUA-1208) Invalid server response protocol scheme missing

Carlos Falquez falquez at nuberisim.de
Sat Jul 18 20:56:49 CEST 2015

Dear all,

As per instructions on the wiki "Authenticate tenant to get token for Object 


The server response is malformed, see line 1141 in the attached file 

The relevant section is

    "adminURL": "",
    "region": "Spain2",
    "internalURL": "",
    "id": "47a60593935641dd9c27d46378d1b7f0",
    "publicURL": ""

The value of "internalURL" is invalid, the protocol scheme is missing,
and the java parser our project is using throws the exception:

Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException: Can not 
construct instance of java.net.URI from String value '': not 
a valid textual representation, problem: Illegal character in scheme name at 
index 0:

Such invalid URL values are a breach of the OpenStack API

Please correct the invalid value by adding the correct protocol scheme,
for example:

"internalURL": ""

This is the second time we experience that the FIWARE OpenStack Identity API
returns a malformed response.

Please correct the problem as soon as possible and check for any other 
malformed values.

Kind regards,

Carlos Falquez
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