[Fiware-lab-help] account disappeared

Daniele Santoro daniele.santoro at create-net.org
Wed Jun 3 13:54:02 CEST 2015


Yesterday the second level support reply to your issue, I’m pasting the reply here in case you didn’t receive it by mail:

your account doesn't exist. Take into account that all accounts that didn't accept new T&C were removed as announced. So please, create a new account. 


On 03 Jun 2015, at 13:41, damato at sys-man.it wrote:

> dear fiware lab staff,
> as i stated in my previous message, i am not able to log into my fiware
> lab account anymore (damato at sys-man.it).
> the account disappeared during last week ("Error: Sorry. You have
> specified an email address that is not registered to any our our user
> accounts. If your problem persits, please contact:
> fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org"), as well as the infrastructure that we
> deployed for the late april deadline of the SAF accelerator.
> i understand that you are experiencing a "temporal problem with the
> accounting system." but i hope our work is not lost ... or at least
> confirm us that we need to start from scratch again!
> account zippitelli at sys-man.it works fine instead.
> thank you,
> giulio d'amato
> sysman progetti & servizi
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