[Fiware-lab-help] FIWare Issue

Raul Palma rpalma at man.poznan.pl
Wed Jun 3 23:15:56 CEST 2015

Hi Emilio,
I am forwarding your issue to FIWARE lab team.
@Dear FIWARE lab team, could you provide assistance to Emilio on this FIWARE
lab issue? He is from one of our SMEs in SmartAgriFoodAccelerator.
Thanks in advance,

From:  Emilio Valencia Rodriguez <evalencia at ignos.com>
Date:  Wednesday 3 June 2015 16:46
To:  Raul Palma <rpalma at man.poznan.pl>
Subject:  FIWare Issue

Hi Raul,

This issue is for Fiware.

We are using cloud.lab.fi-ware.org <http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org>  instance.

We don't know where register this issue.

We are executing integration test of the overall application and we have
detected one issue with the IdentityManagenet GE of Fiware:

> - We were authenticating against the IdM using Fiware id/password but now Idm
> responses "Unathorized". But if we use Fiware user email instead of Fiware id
> we receive:
>>> INFO:__main__         :FIWARE: Autenticando...
>>> INFO:cdmi_service :Authorization host is: cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4731
>>> <http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4731/>
>>> DEBUG:cdmi_service :Authrization Body:{"auth":
>>> {"passwordCredentials":{"username": "dcastro at ignos.com", "password":
>>> "********"}}}
>>> DEBUG:cdmi_service :Authrization token response:{"access": {"token":
>>> {"issued_at": "2015-06-03T14:13:23.076665", "expires":
>>> "2015-06-04T14:13:23Z", "id": "dff5f17ede4b444f9c2e3d6ad9a5af0e",
>>> "audit_ids": ["d3TUccNIQXq_n-yNGPt1zg"]}, "serviceCatalog": [], "user":
>>> {"username": "dcastro at ignos.com", "roles_links": [], "id": "ignos", "roles":
>>> [], "name": "dcastro at ignos.com"}, "metadata": {"is_admin": 0, "roles": []}}}
>>> INFO:cdmi_service :Initial Token is: dff5f17ede4b444f9c2e3d6ad9a5af0e
>>> DEBUG:cdmi_service :Available tenants:{"error": {"message": "The request you
>>> have made requires authentication.", "code": 401, "title": "Unauthorized"}}
>> The token response does not returns the available service Catalog as it usual
>> did and returns an empty role list.
>> If we try to get tenants using the provided token we receive an unauthorized
>> response.

Un saludo,
Emilio Valencia Rodriguez.
Ignos Estudio de Ingeniería, S.L.
Tel.: 0034 922 263 001
Fax: 0034 922 263 001
www.ignos.com <http://www.ignos.com>

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