[Fiware-lab-help] Porblem deploying Blueprint Templates on FI-Ware

"Gergő, Gombos" gombos.gergo at wigner.mta.hu
Fri Jun 5 16:10:38 CEST 2015

Dear Marjan,

please, send us which region do you use?

Best Regards,

2015.06.05. 15:21 keltezéssel, Marjan Štekar írta:
> Hi,
> When we want do launch a Blueprint Templates we get stuck at Deploying 
> with the info that say:
> »Success: Blueprint Instance 3DStockMySQL status.
> Description: Create environment 3DStockMySQL
> Status: ERROR
> Error: The Environment 3DStockMySQL is not in the System«
> Best regards
> Marjan Štekar
> Account username: marjan.stekar at yac.hr
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Gergő Gombos

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