[Fiware-lab-help] Instance inaccessible via SSH

Sergio G-Miranda planetmediasergiomiranda at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 12:40:55 CEST 2015

Dear friends from FIWARE,

My instance is ACTIVE and running in FILAB. I can connect to it via web VNC
provided by FILAB Cloud Web interface.

Unfortunately I cannot connect via SSH. I tried releasing its associated
floating ip, then requesting a new one and associating it back to my
instance. But no luck.

My instance's background info:

   - Region: Spain2
   - Every time Spain2 node recovers from failures (as informed by FIWARE
   sanity check portal) I experience similar problems related to
   inaccessibility of my instance.

I kindly ask you to help me get successful SSH connection to my instance.

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