[Fiware-lab-help] R: No network access to instances

Cipriani Marco marco2.cipriani at telecomitalia.it
Tue Jun 16 19:06:27 CEST 2015

Dear Nikita,
I have just forwarded your request to the Gent support team.

Best regards

Da: Nikita [mailto:Nikita at d2.eu]
Inviato: martedì 16 giugno 2015 19:07
A: Cipriani Marco
Cc: James Troch; fiware-lab-help
Oggetto: Re: No network access to instances

Greetings Marco

Yes, the region is Gent.


Digitally yours,

T +32 32 97 77 74
F +32 32 97 77 72
Nikita at d2.eu<mailto:nikita at d2.eu>

www.d2.eu<http://www.d2.eu/>                   pos – payment – digital cinema technology
www.dcp360.eu<http://www.dcp360.eu/>           dcp duplication
www.appetite4.com<http://www.appetite4.com/>     APP platform for culture, tourism, sport, city-marketing

On Jun 16, 2015, at 7:29 PM, Cipriani Marco <marco2.cipriani at telecomitalia.it<mailto:marco2.cipriani at telecomitalia.it>> wrote:

Dear Nikita,
could you tell us what region are you using?

Best regards

Da: fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [mailto:fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di Nikita
Inviato: martedì 16 giugno 2015 18:14
A: fiware-lab-help
Cc: James Troch
Oggetto: [Fiware-lab-help] No network access to instances


I have difficulties with the network setup in FI-Lab.

I cannot access my instances via the floating IPs (ssh doesn’t work, ping does’t work).

Project is: nikita-omarev-1 cloud (ID 00000000000000000000000000013657)

I created two different instances, new separate network with subnet,

router with assigned network interface, assigned floating IPs to the instances.

Also configured the security group to allow access to port 22 and ICMP with type -1 and code -1.

I would appreciate you help!


Digitally yours,

T +32 32 97 77 74
F +32 32 97 77 72
Nikita at d2.eu<mailto:nikita at d2.eu>

www.d2.eu<http://www.d2.eu/>                   pos – payment – digital cinema technology
www.dcp360.eu<http://www.dcp360.eu/>           dcp duplication
www.appetite4.com<http://www.appetite4.com/>     APP platform for culture, tourism, sport, city-marketing

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