[Fiware-lab-help] Fwd: [FI-WARE-JIRA] (FLUA-1208) Assign Resources and Status for: NUBERISIM

Dr.-Ing. Iris Pantle pantle at nuberisim.de
Mon Jun 29 10:33:18 CEST 2015

Dear all.

we have a problem with the Object Storage (see the text below). At our 
entity (NUBERSIM/Falquez, Pantle and Pritz GbR, nodes at Lannion2, 
recently allocated to us) Carlos Falquez is working on the problem, so 
please "Reply to all".

Our problem is the following (problem formulation in asterisks forwarded 
from my colleage Carlos, also attached as text file Nuberisim-FIWARELAB-

As per instructions on the wiki "Authenticate tenant to get token for Object 


The server response is malformed, see line 1660 in the attached file 

The relevant section is

 "adminURL": "",
 "region": "Spain2",
 "id": "083337d26f7d46d8ab1426c8d6f5831c",

The value of "internalURL" is malformed, the character "'" is not allowed in 
an URI, and the java parser our project is using throws the exception:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in scheme 
name at index 0: 
  at java.net.URI.create(URI.java:852)
  ... 75 more
Caused by: java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in scheme name 
at index 0: 
  at java.net.URI$Parser.fail(URI.java:2848)
  at java.net.URI$Parser.checkChars(URI.java:3021)
  at java.net.URI$Parser.checkChar(URI.java:3031)
  at java.net.URI$Parser.parse(URI.java:3047)
  at java.net.URI.<init>(URI.java:588)
  at java.net.URI.create(URI.java:850)
  ... 77 more

Such malformed URL values are a breach of the OpenStack API

Please correct the problem as soon as possible and check for any other 
malformed values in the server response.

- I have attached the latest correspondence with Anthony ([FI-WARE-JIRA] 
(FLUA-1208]) who advised me to send the Object Storage request to you.
- I have attached the "authenticated_step3.json" file for clarification.
- I have attached the above error request as text file.

Kind regards,


*The Numerical Simulation Platform*
*Falquez, Pantle und Pritz GbR*
Dr.-Ing. Iris Pantle
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 7
76131 Karlsruhe

Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter: · 
Dipl.-Phys. Carlos Falquez · 
Dr.-Ing. Iris Pantle · 
Dr.-Ing. Balazs Pritz ·

USt-IdNr: DE294161302 · 
Bankverbindung: Volksbank Karlsruhe · 
IBAN: DE52 6619 0000 0010 3655 62 · 
0177 / 347 15 59
0721 / 13 28 30 12
0721 / 38 14 39 39
hervorgegangen aus dem Projekt SiFloA des EXIST-
Gründerstipendiums* *gefördert durch BMWi, EXIST, ESF, EC

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From: FIWARE LAB Upgrade Account <communityaccount at fiware.org>
Subject: [FI-WARE-JIRA] (FLUA-1208) Assign Resources and Status for: NUBERISIM
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 09:04 +0100
Size: 32496
URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-lab-help/attachments/20150629/d722297c/attachment.mht>
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Dear all,

As per instructions on the wiki
"Authenticate tenant to get token for Object Storage"


The server response is malformed, see line 1660 in the attached file.

The relevant section is

 "adminURL": "",
 "region": "Spain2",
 "internalURL": "'",
 "id": "083337d26f7d46d8ab1426c8d6f5831c",
 "publicURL": "'"

The value of "internalURL" is malformed, the character "'" is not allowed in an URI,
and the java parser our project is using throws the exception:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in scheme name at index 0: '
  at java.net.URI.create(URI.java:852)
  at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.FromStringDeserializer$Std._deserialize(FromStringDeserializer.java:213)
  at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.FromStringDeserializer.deserialize(FromStringDeserializer.java:122)
  ... 75 more
Caused by: java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in scheme name at index 0: '
  at java.net.URI$Parser.fail(URI.java:2848)
  at java.net.URI$Parser.checkChars(URI.java:3021)
  at java.net.URI$Parser.checkChar(URI.java:3031)
  at java.net.URI$Parser.parse(URI.java:3047)
  at java.net.URI.<init>(URI.java:588)
  at java.net.URI.create(URI.java:850)
  ... 77 more

Such malformed URL values are a breach of the OpenStack API

Please correct the problem as soon as possible and check for any other malformed values in the server response.

Kind regards,

Carlos Falquez

On Friday 26 June 2015 20:18:17 Dr.-Ing. Iris Pantle wrote:
> Dear all,
> we have tested the instances which we can allocate, So far, we can only
> allocate "m1.medium" as largest instance (2 cores).
> Since we allocated quotas of (see further below)
> - 3 instances and
> - 8 cores,
> this results in 3x2cores. However, we need 2x2cores (=2 x m1.medium) and
> one instance with 4 cores (=m1.large).
> Would it be possible to allocate m1.large (Lannion2) for us, please?
> Thank you
> On Monday 22 June 2015 13:19:00 you wrote:
> >  	FW External User commented on  FLUA-1208
> > 
> > FIWARE LAB Upgrade Account /  FLUA-1208
> > Assign Resources and Status for: NUBERISIM
> > Dear Iris,
> > We will be glad to handle your request for the hosting of your application
> > on Lannion node. I have modified your account to community with an access
> > to Lannion2. Here are the list of things, I applied on your
> > tenant/organisation: Allow you to :
> > 1 Public IP
> > 3 Instances
> > 16 Gb RAM
> > 8 Cores
> > 64 Gb disk
> > 1 Gb object storage
> > If you intend to work with other developers, you will need to add them to
> > your tenant (organization). For this go to the account manager
> > (https://account.lab.fiware.org/) and add the other users to your
> > organization. I will change the status of the ticket to "done" and If you
> > have any other problems, please do not hesitate to contact us. BR
> > Anthony.
> > Issue Type:	 AccountUpgradeByNode
> > Assignee:	Lannion Node Helpdesk
> > Attachments:	 Nuberisim_Logo_CMYK_300_ppi.png
> > Components:	 FI-PPP
> > Created:	 22/Jun/15 12:50 PM
> > Reporter:	FW External User
> > Status:	 In Progress
> > Nuberisim = Numerical High Performance Simulations for fluid flow and
> > noise
> > prediction as Cloud-based web application. Project
> > Fluid flow is noisy, annoying and health critical for people continuously
> > exposed to it. Examples are aircraft, wind turbines, automobiles,
> > climatization, household devices like hovers or kitchen hoods. For the
> > latter low noise devices are a competitive advantage. For others like wind
> > turbines restrictive noise regulations are in place, particularly when
> > operated close to settlements. Low noise design principles need
> > integration
> > in the design and construction phase of devices as early as possible, in
> > order to reduce costs, failures, and improve energetic impact. This can
> > only be reached by numerical simulations. So far the computational demand
> > of fluid flow simulations coupled directly with acoustical predictions
> > inhibited establishing appropriate and efficient workflows. Particularly,
> > engineering houses (simulation service suppliers) or SMEs require access
> > to
> > appropriate flow and noise prediction software plus high performance
> > computing architecture. In contrast to available solutions the Nuberisim
> > platform is solving both issues: providing specialized software for
> > coupled
> > fluid flow and noise prediction as a web application with intuitive access
> > to a high performance computing infrastructure (provided by computing
> > centers or Cloud). Urgent Need of FIWARE Lab and Generic Enablers
> > This project is both in need and ideally suited for running on the FIWARE
> > Cloud. The start-up Falquez, Pantle and Pritz GbR (founded in 2014) has
> > developed the Nuberisim platform concept. Nuberisim consists of the
> > software for fluid flow and noise simulation, largely developed at the
> > Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and the platform environment.
> > After successful deployment of the prototype (see URL of proof of concept
> > and "Success stories" below in this box), three elements are required,
> > where the FIWARE Cloud and the FIWARE Enablers will leverage significantly
> > development time and time-to-market. The latter is expected to be
> > performed
> > within the next weeks instead of the next half year. The three elements
> > are: Use 3 different Generic Enablers (see box "Additional Comments");
> > Use the FIWARE Lab Cloud for free test accounts for our professional pilot
> > customers; Expand the service drastically at a second stage after testing
> > through professional customers. The Enablers are needed to integrate
> > efficient 3D visualisation of the simulation data (grids, results), to
> > efficiently render them for the customers and stream them to their
> > browsers. Next to testing the Enablers, the FIWARE Lab Cloud is urgently
> > needed at this moment for offering free test accounts for professional
> > first time customers. Only recently a successful "mass test" with students
> > of the basic Nuberisim functions (login, configuration of simulations,
> > starting parallelized simulations through 30 people at the same time,
> > receiving convergence data streamed plots) has been performed and first
> > pilot customers are currently testing Nuberisim. However, since the
> > prototype is running on AWS instances which need to be kept online for
> > testing, this causes substantial costs per month. The limited resources of
> > the start-up limit heavy customer testing and therefore delay the
> > time-to-market significantly. Technology
> > The software is a Navier-Stokes solver for compressible Computational
> > Fluid
> > Dynamics coupled with fieldwise (acoustic perturbation equations) and
> > integral (Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings) acoustic prediction. The platform
> > environment consists of web servers, data bases, cluster scheduling and
> > management along with dynamically allocated virtual computing instances.
> > Flow induced noise and its prediction is in comparison to other simulation
> > methods the most challenging in terms of demand of computing resources
> > (mainly CPU power). This demand is met by using external High Performance
> > Computing (HPC) infrastructure as Cloud service. The Nuberisim prototype
> > is
> > running on the HPC instances of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) and can
> > easily be transferred to FIWARE. IP
> > The platform was developed by the founders and the IP fully belongs to
> > them. Part of the software was developed freely by the founders and the
> > IP fully belongs to them. Other parts of the software are developed by
> > the founders and third parties within their employment at the KIT. Here
> > the KIT holds the legal user rights. A license agreement between KIT and
> > the founders has been signed in 2015. Success Stories
> > EXIST founders' fellowship (EXIST-Gr?nderstipendium) 05/2013-05/2014;
> > April
> > 2014 presentation of first prototype on HannoverMesse as co-presenter of
> > the German Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi); February 2015 signing
> > the licence contract with the KIT for the software and becoming official
> > KIT Spin-Off; March 2015 presentation of second, strongly improved
> > prototype at HPSC conference; May 2015 "mass test" with 30 students at
> > State University of Cooperative Education Baden-W?rttemberg in Karlsruhe
> > (Duale Hochschule BW); Ongoing/scheduled tests of the Nuberisim platform
> > by
> > professionals (June/July 2015 ++) from KSB/Bosch/Harman-Becker. Reporter:
> > Iris Pantle
> > E-mail: pantle at nuberisim.de
> > 
> > This email was generated by the FIWARE JIRA following a request for
> > account
> > upgrade to community status. If you need information on the status of your
> > process, you can reply to this email.
> --
> *The Numerical Simulation Platform*
> *Falquez, Pantle und Pritz GbR*
> Dr.-Ing. Iris Pantle
> Haid-und-Neu-Str. 7

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