[Fiware-lab-help] Connection problem on FI-Ware instance

Alexandre Simon asimon1809 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 14:30:06 CET 2015

Gergô, sorry I misspelled your name.

Thank you.

Alexandre SIMON

2015-03-06 14:22 GMT+01:00 Alexandre Simon <asimon1809 at gmail.com>:

> Hi Grego,
> The instance name is Vookser. To the Lannion Support Team: you can write
> in french if you wish (I'm french too).
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Alexandre SIMON
> 2015-03-06 13:56 GMT+01:00 "Gergő, Gombos" <gombos.gergo at wigner.mta.hu>:
>>  Dear Alexandre,
>> I forwarded your issue to the Lannion Support Team. They will be check
>> your VM. Please write us the name of your instance and please use the
>> 'Answer all' button, because our ticket system works with the
>> 'fiware-lab-help' list.
>> Best Regards,
>> Gergő
>> 2015.03.06. 11:28 keltezéssel, Alexandre Simon írta:
>> Hello,
>>  I'm interested in the FI-Ware technologies and considering to candidate
>> on the call of June.
>>  Thus, I successfully created an account on FI-Ware Lab, with this email
>> (asimon1809 at gmail.com).
>>  Then I created an instance to conduct some tests, following the video
>> tutorial.
>>  The instance is created in the Lannion datacenter with the available
>> Ubuntu 14.04.1 (x64) image, a security policy (with a rule for port 22), an
>> IP address (*public-ext-net-02*: , and a keypair all
>> generated via the lab interface like in the tutorial.
>>  The problem is I can't manage to access it nor using an ssh command
>> (Ubuntu desktop 14), nor using the connect action from the lab.
>>  The ssh command can't access to the IP address on port 22, whereas it's
>> opened in the security rules. The nmap command shows that this port is
>> indeed filtered.
>>  Connecting with the lab, I'm asked for a login and password but I don't
>> know which ones.
>>  I noticed the following error when the system boot (viewing the display
>> by connecting to the instance through the lab):
>>  waiting for network configuration
>> waiting for up to 60 more seconds for network configuration
>> booting system without full network configuration
>>  Thanks in advance.
>>  Regards,
>> Alexandre SIMON
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>> Fiware-lab-help mailing listFiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.orghttps://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help
>> --
>> Gergő Gombos
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