[Fiware-lab-help] problems with fi-ware clour instances

Sándor Laki laki.sandor at wigner.mta.hu
Fri Mar 27 21:34:04 CET 2015

Dear Paulo,

Thank you for your reply. I have just forwarded your issue to the 
operators of region Spain.

Best regards,

2015.03.27. 16:55 keltezéssel, Paulo Villegas írta:
> On 27/03/15 16:33, Sándor Laki wrote:
>> Dear Paulo,
>> Which region do you use?
> I thin it's Spain, though I'm not sure where is that defined
>> Do you have a public IP and have you managed to associate it with your
>> instance?
> Yes, one of my instances (84e37a34-ee98-44ad-a7a2-71c7cbff382c) has a
> public IP ( I can connect through it and access it;
> from that instance I can see other instances I've got in my cloud,
> except the one that does not answer.
> The volume is supposedly attached to the instance with the public IP,
> but I'm not been able to use it
> Thanks
> Paulo
>> Thank you for your reply.
>> Best,
>> Sandor
>> 2015.03.27. 12:46 keltezéssel, Paulo Villegas írta:
>>> Hi. I've got a couple of problems with entities in the fi-ware
>>> infrastructure I'm using:
>>> [1] I have problems connecting to one instance: opengvp-processing-2,
>>> instance ID cd00286d-4f4a-4d3a-9439-815bdda9f3a7 , private IP 
>>> . It is listed as "active" in the portal, but does not respond to
>>> ping/ssh from within the cloud
>>> [2] I have a 2GB volume "proc1", ID 190, which I can't get a hold 
>>> on. It
>>> figures as attached to the instance 
>>> 84e37a34-ee98-44ad-a7a2-71c7cbff382c
>>> (opengvp-processing-1 , private IP but within that instance
>>> it is not mounted, nor can it be mounted (mount: special device 
>>> /dev/vdc
>>> does not exist). And I cannot detach it in the portal, the operation
>>> hangs.
>>> What can I do to solve these problems?
>>> Thanks
>>> Paulo
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Sándor Laki
EU FP7 FI-PPP XIFI project,
Wigner Research Centre for Physics,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.
H-1121, Budapest, Hungary
Cell: +36 70 374 2646
Skype: sandor.laki

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