[Fiware-lab-help] fi lab instance creation

Joshan Chaudhary joshan.chaudhary at tobyrich.com
Mon Mar 30 12:12:35 CEST 2015


I am trying to create an instance
- Ubuntu 12.04 server
- region Berlin
- project name: joshan-chaudhary
- server name: TobyRichSrv

I am being unable to assign a floating IP to this instance.
The instance is always in error state.

I followed the steps found on the internet, the video portals, etc. But
still could not resolve this problem. Could you please get back to me about

Kind Regards,
*Joshan Chaudhary*
UI Engineer / Software Developer · TobyRich GmbH
Konsul-Smidt-Straße 8e · 28217 Bremen · Germany · Tel.: +49 421 3887 8410 ·
Mob.: +49-17655500682 · Skype: j <http://your.skype.id/>oshanchaudhary
www.tobyrich.com · www.smartplane.net · facebook.com/TobyRich.de
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