[Fiware-lab-help] R: FI-Lab Assistance

Cipriani Marco marco2.cipriani at telecomitalia.it
Wed May 6 15:29:32 CEST 2015

Dear Ana,
unfortunately some regions don't support the creation of Blueprint instances.
I would suggest to try Spain2 node which should work well about that.
Let us know if you experience the problem again.

Best regards

Da: Milicic Ana [mailto:ana.milicic at epfl.ch]
Inviato: mercoledì 6 maggio 2015 14:14
A: Cipriani Marco
Oggetto: RE: FI-Lab Assistance

Hello again,

as you might assuming, I'm very new to Fiware. So I believe that ID of my project should be ID 00000000000000000000000000011663

From: Milicic Ana
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 2:06 PM
To: 'Cipriani Marco'
Subject: RE: FI-Lab Assistance

Hello Marco,

thanks for replaying so fast. I'm in Lausanne, Switzerland so I selected Zurich as Region. An I'm not really sure about the "tenant", but my project name is "ana-6".


From: Cipriani Marco [mailto:marco2.cipriani at telecomitalia.it]
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 2:01 PM
To: Milicic Ana
Cc: fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>
Subject: R: FI-Lab Assistance

Dear Ana,
could you tell us which region are you using and provide your tenant (project) ID?

Best regards

Da: fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org> [mailto:fiware-lab-help-bounces at lists.fi-ware.org] Per conto di Milicic Ana
Inviato: mercoledì 6 maggio 2015 13:38
A: fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org>
Oggetto: [Fiware-lab-help] FI-Lab Assistance


I have been trying to install Business Framework Consumption bundle and I get the error in Installation of instance phase, after launching blueprint :

Error: Error installing a product. Description:com.telefonica.euro_iaas.paasmanager.exception.ProductInstallatorException: Error installing product wstore-0.3.0 Error invokg SDC to Install Productwstore-0.3.0 0.3.0 SDCException. com.telefonica.euro_iaas.sdc.exception.SdcRuntimeException: com.telefonica.euro_iaas.sdc.exception.CanNotCallChefException: Node agrishares-wstore-1-011663 is not registered in ChefServer: com.telefonica.euro_iaas.sdc.exception.SdcRuntimeException: com.telefonica.euro_iaas.sdc.exception.CanNotCallChefException: Node agrishares-wstore-1-011663 is not registered in ChefServer. com.telefonica.euro_iaas.sdc.exception.SdcRuntimeException: com.telefonica.euro_iaas.sdc.exception.CanNotCallChefException: Node agrishares-wstore-1-011663 is not registered in ChefServer

Can you give me some more info about this error and suggestion on how to proceed ?

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