[Fiware-lab-help] [FIWARE Lab] New IdM deployment. Reminders.

Sunil kallur Ramegowda kallur.sunil at gmail.com
Thu May 7 20:24:00 CEST 2015

Hello Daniele,

I upgraded my account based on the instructions and it was done
successfully.But now i am not able to see my instances which were running
in the "volos" region. I am able to see only Spain2 region.
Please update me the reason or workaround for this.

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 5:33 PM, Daniele Santoro <
daniele.santoro at create-net.org> wrote:

> Dear,
> If you are applying for an account on behalf of a SME or startup included
> in the FIWARE Accelerator Programme and wish to apply for a Community User
> account, please submit your application through the form present at this
> url:
> http://help.lab.fiware.org
> You can find the form clicking on the white/blue button in the right side
> of the page saying: “Request Community Account upgrade”.
> Please specify in the form that you already have a FIWARE Lab account and
> describe any issue you may have int the “Additional comments” field.
> Best regards,
> Daniele
> On 05 May 2015, at 17:03, Sunil kallur Ramegowda <kallur.sunil at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am a part of an organization from the SpeedupEurope accelerator
> program and have been using FI Lab cloud instance for our applications. I
> read the complete mail about the new migrations and rules but could not
> understand where the "default" organizations are allocated.
> >
> > I haven't received any such information from SpeedupEurope to create
> FILab account which provides me full access and not basic/temporary access!
> >
> > I rrently using Volos region and have some instances running. Please let
> me know whom i should address to get my organization registered and get the
> complete access.
> >
> > My team name is Lumingo.
> >
> > On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 4:46 PM, <no-reply at account.lab.fiware.org> wrote:
> > Dear FIWARE Lab user,
> >
> > as you know, we have implemented a FIWARE Lab Recovery Task Force
> targeted to improve the overall performance of the FIWARE Lab.   Situation
> has improved a lot but there are still some actions pending.   One of them
> had to do with implementation of a new version of the IdM component that
> will help managing the user accounts, distinguishing between Trial and
> Community Users.   On the other hand, we have received requests from some
> FIWARE Use Case trial projects asking to maintain their environment in the
> original Spain-1 node, which we have taken into consideration (see details
> below).   This has delayed the date for deployment of the new IdM
> component, now scheduled to take place on May 7th from 8 AM to 12 AM. At
> the end of this email you can get a look of the new functionalities of the
> new version 2.0 of the KeyRock product, open source reference
> implementation of the FIWARE IdM GE.
> >
> > This email is a reminder of few things you have to take into account
> regarding functioning of the FIWARE Lab environment, once deployment of the
> new version of the IdM component takes place.
> >
> > Please bear them in mind and propagate this message to people
> participating in your projects:
> >
> >       • Trial User accounts currently can only be allocated in the Spain
> 2 node.   This policy is already in place since mid April, which has
> allowed to improve the experience of trial users that are approaching
> FIWARE for their first time.   As you already know, Trial Users will have
> only a 14-days trial period after which all the computing, storage and
> network resources allocated to them will be released and their data will
> get lost (i.e., they are requested to take care of backing up their data,
> etc).   Trial Users can always apply to become Community Users following
> the defined application process, in order to get assigned a larger number
> of resources as well as to enjoy their environment for a longer period.
> >       • Only some Community Users, under strict approval by the FIWARE
> Lab operation team, will be allowed to stay in the Spain-1 node, around
> which a legacy FIWARE Lab cloud environment will be established, different
> from the official public one.   This will be typically be Use Case trial
> projects (SMEs/startups under the FIWARE Accelerator programme who were
> hosted in Spain-1 should migrate to Spain-2).   Community Users who remain
> in the Spain-1 node won't be allowed to add new VMs or computing resources
> to those already allocated to them.   This is necessary to minimize the
> amount of resources which will remain "blocked" in such legacy cloud
> environment.   Note that this legacy cloud environment will be maintained
> temporarily for these Use Case trial projects to avoid them the task to
> migrate to other nodes (typically Spain-2) in a hurry.   However, they
> should bear in mind that the version of OpenStack associated to this legacy
> cloud enviroment is offically not supported by the OpenStack community
> anymore.  Besides, the version of OpenStack linked to the Spain-1 node does
> not incorporate some new features regarding network management that make
> the environment more vulnerable to security attacks.   So far this hasn't
> represented any issue, but I believe it is worth explaining that the
> environment is definitively less secure.  Of course, you may decide
> migrating to the Spain-2 node right now, make a plan to carry out such
> migration smoothly in the coming months or stay there until further notice
> (we may require migrating to the new version of OpenStack some time in the
> future).
> >       • On the official FIWARE Lab cloud environment based on the new
> IdM GE deployed on May 7th, only the "default" organization linked to a
> given FIWARE account will be visible as "projects" (i.e., tenants) in the
> cloud environment.   Organizations created through the Account Portal of
> the FIWARE Lab will not be mapped into "projects" in the cloud of the
> FIWARE Lab.   The name of the default organization linked to your account
> will be "<your username> cloud" (for instance “user1 cloud") although you
> will be able to modify it.   Take into account that other organizations
> will not be mapped to "projects" on the Cloud Portal anymore and, in their
> case, this will mean that the associated resources will be lost.
>  Therefore, VERY IMPORTANT, you should migrate all the cloud resources
> (VMs, etc) you may have defined linked to organizations different than the
> organization linked as default to your account and do it before May 7 (name
> of the default organization linked to your account should currently map to
> your account user name).  After that date, FIWARE Lab providers will not be
> responsible for the loss of any data.
> >       • If you have not applied for a Community account and your Trial
> period has expired, you will be able to continue using all FIWARE Lab
> functions (e.g., the Data or Wirecloud portals).   This will be feasible
> because we have introduced a third category of users, namely "Basic User”.
>   The default organization linked to a “Basic User” does not map to a
> project in the cloud, therefore, they won't have the possibility to use
> cloud functions.   This Basic Users will be able to access the rest of
> FIWARE Lab portals.   Of course, they are actual users, which means they
> can be added by an active Trial or Community User to his/her default
> organization that, as explained before, maps to a project on the FIWARE Lab
> cloud.   Using the Account Portal you will be able to manage your
> organizations, your users (Basic, Trial or Community) and your
> applications.   You can also implement authentication and authorization of
> your services as you are currently doing, that is using the OAuth2 protocol
> and relying on the Wilma PEP Proxy or AuthZForce FIWARE GEs. You have only
> to take into account two updates after the new FIWARE IdM GE is deployed
> the first week of May:
> > - If you are using organizations ids in your application or GE, you have
> to convert them adding as many zeros as necessary to make them 32 chars
> length. For instance, the organization “241” now will be
> “00000000000000000000000000000241”.
> > - If you are using users ids in your application or GE you have to take
> into account that the new unique identifier will be the one that now is
> retrieved as the “nickName” field.
> >       • During the deployment of the new IdM GE, we have to reset all
> the user passwords. So please, in order to continue using your account, you
> have to use the “Forgot password” option in the log in page of the FIWARE
> Lab Account Portal
> > Once again, bear all this mind and take the opportune actions to update
> your settings accordingly. If you have any doubt or question, don't
> hesitate to send a request to fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org
> >
> > Many thanks and best regards,
> >
> > FIWARE Lab team
> >
> >
> > =====================================================================
> >
> > Reyrock version 2.0 Release notes:
> >
> >       • Applications
> >               • New option for manage roles and permissions
> >               • Authorized splitted in members and organizations
> >               • New category of applications: Authorized
> >       • Organizations
> >               • New category: Member
> >               • Now you can manage members from your user account
> >               • Authorizing applications
> >       • New default permissions:
> >               •  "Get and assign only owned roles"
> >               • "Get and assign all public application roles"
> >               • "Get and assign all internal application roles"
> >       • User categories
> >               • Basic
> >               • Trial
> >               • Community
> >       • Cloud Organizations Support
> >       • New wizards for manage members in apps and orgs
> >       • Filters in every search
> >       • Counters for all entities
> >       • Impreved performance
> >               • Bootstrap 3.0
> >               • Font icons
> >       • Updated general look and feel
> >       • Summernote WYSIWYG
> >
> > --------------------------------
> > You are receiving this message because you are a registered FIWARE Lab
> user. Should you wish to remove your account, you need to follow four
> simple steps: 1. Log on FIWARE Lab 2. Click on the dropdown menu next to
> your user name (upper right corner) 3. Select "Settings" 4. Click on
> "Cancel account" and confirm
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Hanstavägen 49-856b(1504) Kista
> > 16453 SWEDEN
> >
> > Mobile : (+46) 767944745
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Fiware-lab-help mailing list
> > Fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org
> > https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help

Hanstavägen 49-856b(1504) Kista
16453 SWEDEN

Mobile : (+46) 767944745

[image: se.linkedin.com/pub/sunil-kallur-ramegowda/23/728/746]
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