[Fiware-lab-help] Problem - Reset password problem - RE: [FIWARE Lab] New IdM deployment. Reminders.

Carlos Fuertes carlosfuertes at he.grupotecopy.es
Thu May 14 10:01:07 CEST 2015

Hello again,

Any news regarding this important problem?
We cannot access FiLab environment because password has been changed.
(During the deployment of the new IdM GE, we have to reset all the user passwords. So please, in order to continue using your account, you have to use the “Forgot password” option in the log in page of the FIWARE Lab Account Portal)

Carlos J. Fuertes
Innovation Leader - European Projects
Mobile: (+34) 677 912 638

C/ Antracita 7
28045 - MADRID (SPAIN)
tlf. (+34) 91 456 04 28 - fax (+34) 91 534 87 20

Skype: cjfuertes1

P. Tecnológico Boecillo, C\ Luis Proust, 17
47151 - BOECILLO (Valladolid) (SPAIN)
tlf. (+34) 983 14 06 50 - fax (+34) 983 14 06 53

carlosfuertes at grupotecopy.es<mailto:carlosfuertes at grupotecopy.es>
w w w . g r u p o t e c o p y . e s



De: Carlos Fuertes
Enviado el: martes, 12 de mayo de 2015 19:19
Para: 'fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org'
Asunto: reset password problem - RE: [FIWARE Lab] New IdM deployment. Reminders.


I have tried to use “reset/remind password” this morning and I haven’t received new password yet.
So I cannot access FI-LAB.


Carlos J. Fuertes
Innovation Leader - European Projects
Mobile: (+34) 677 912 638

C/ Antracita 7
28045 - MADRID (SPAIN)
tlf. (+34) 91 456 04 28 - fax (+34) 91 534 87 20

Skype: cjfuertes1

P. Tecnológico Boecillo, C\ Luis Proust, 17
47151 - BOECILLO (Valladolid) (SPAIN)
tlf. (+34) 983 14 06 50 - fax (+34) 983 14 06 53

carlosfuertes at grupotecopy.es<mailto:carlosfuertes at grupotecopy.es>
w w w . g r u p o t e c o p y . e s



De: no-reply at account.lab.fiware.org<mailto:no-reply at account.lab.fiware.org> [mailto:no-reply at account.lab.fiware.org]
Enviado el: martes, 05 de mayo de 2015 16:49
Para: carlosfuertes at grupotecopy.es<mailto:carlosfuertes at grupotecopy.es>
Asunto: [FIWARE Lab] New IdM deployment. Reminders.

Dear FIWARE Lab user,

as you know, we have implemented a FIWARE Lab Recovery Task Force targeted to improve the overall performance of the FIWARE Lab.   Situation has improved a lot but there are still some actions pending.   One of them had to do with implementation of a new version of the IdM component that will help managing the user accounts, distinguishing between Trial and Community Users.   On the other hand, we have received requests from some FIWARE Use Case trial projects asking to maintain their environment in the original Spain-1 node, which we have taken into consideration (see details below).   This has delayed the date for deployment of the new IdM component, now scheduled to take place on May 7th from 8 AM to 12 AM. At the end of this email you can get a look of the new functionalities of the new version 2.0 of the KeyRock product, open source reference implementation of the FIWARE IdM GE.

This email is a reminder of few things you have to take into account regarding functioning of the FIWARE Lab environment, once deployment of the new version of the IdM component takes place.

Please bear them in mind and propagate this message to people participating in your projects:

  *   Trial User accounts currently can only be allocated in the Spain 2 node.   This policy is already in place since mid April, which has allowed to improve the experience of trial users that are approaching FIWARE for their first time.   As you already know, Trial Users will have only a 14-days trial period after which all the computing, storage and network resources allocated to them will be released and their data will get lost (i.e., they are requested to take care of backing up their data, etc).   Trial Users can always apply to become Community Users following the defined application process, in order to get assigned a larger number of resources as well as to enjoy their environment for a longer period.

  *   Only some Community Users, under strict approval by the FIWARE Lab operation team, will be allowed to stay in the Spain-1 node, around which a legacy FIWARE Lab cloud environment will be established, different from the official public one.   This will be typically be Use Case trial projects (SMEs/startups under the FIWARE Accelerator programme who were hosted in Spain-1 should migrate to Spain-2).   Community Users who remain in the Spain-1 node won't be allowed to add new VMs or computing resources to those already allocated to them.   This is necessary to minimize the amount of resources which will remain "blocked" in such legacy cloud environment.   Note that this legacy cloud environment will be maintained temporarily for these Use Case trial projects to avoid them the task to migrate to other nodes (typically Spain-2) in a hurry.   However, they should bear in mind that the version of OpenStack associated to this legacy cloud enviroment is offically not supported by the OpenStack community anymore.  Besides, the version of OpenStack linked to the Spain-1 node does not incorporate some new features regarding network management that make the environment more vulnerable to security attacks.   So far this hasn't represented any issue, but I believe it is worth explaining that the environment is definitively less secure.  Of course, you may decide migrating to the Spain-2 node right now, make a plan to carry out such migration smoothly in the coming months or stay there until further notice (we may require migrating to the new version of OpenStack some time in the future).

  *   On the official FIWARE Lab cloud environment based on the new IdM GE deployed on May 7th, only the "default" organization linked to a given FIWARE account will be visible as "projects" (i.e., tenants) in the cloud environment.   Organizations created through the Account Portal of the FIWARE Lab will not be mapped into "projects" in the cloud of the FIWARE Lab.   The name of the default organization linked to your account will be "<your username> cloud" (for instance “user1 cloud") although you will be able to modify it.   Take into account that other organizations will not be mapped to "projects" on the Cloud Portal anymore and, in their case, this will mean that the associated resources will be lost.   Therefore, VERY IMPORTANT, you should migrate all the cloud resources (VMs, etc) you may have defined linked to organizations different than the organization linked as default to your account and do it before May 7 (name of the default organization linked to your account should currently map to your account user name).  After that date, FIWARE Lab providers will not be responsible for the loss of any data.

  *   If you have not applied for a Community account and your Trial period has expired, you will be able to continue using all FIWARE Lab functions (e.g., the Data or Wirecloud portals).   This will be feasible because we have introduced a third category of users, namely "Basic User”.    The default organization linked to a “Basic User” does not map to a project in the cloud, therefore, they won't have the possibility to use cloud functions.   This Basic Users will be able to access the rest of FIWARE Lab portals.   Of course, they are actual users, which means they can be added by an active Trial or Community User to his/her default organization that, as explained before, maps to a project on the FIWARE Lab cloud.   Using the Account Portal you will be able to manage your organizations, your users (Basic, Trial or Community) and your applications.   You can also implement authentication and authorization of your services as you are currently doing, that is using the OAuth2 protocol and relying on the Wilma PEP Proxy or AuthZForce FIWARE GEs. You have only to take into account two updates after the new FIWARE IdM GE is deployed the first week of May:
- If you are using organizations ids in your application or GE, you have to convert them adding as many zeros as necessary to make them 32 chars length. For instance, the organization “241” now will be “00000000000000000000000000000241”.
- If you are using users ids in your application or GE you have to take into account that the new unique identifier will be the one that now is retrieved as the “nickName” field.

  *   During the deployment of the new IdM GE, we have to reset all the user passwords. So please, in order to continue using your account, you have to use the “Forgot password” option in the log in page of the FIWARE Lab Account Portal

Once again, bear all this mind and take the opportune actions to update your settings accordingly. If you have any doubt or question, don't hesitate to send a request to fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org<mailto:fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org>

Many thanks and best regards,

FIWARE Lab team


Reyrock version 2.0 Release notes:

  *   Applications
     *   New option for manage roles and permissions
     *   Authorized splitted in members and organizations
     *   New category of applications: Authorized
  *   Organizations
     *   New category: Member
     *   Now you can manage members from your user account
     *   Authorizing applications
  *   New default permissions:
     *    "Get and assign only owned roles"
     *   "Get and assign all public application roles"
     *   "Get and assign all internal application roles"
  *   User categories
     *   Basic
     *   Trial
     *   Community
  *   Cloud Organizations Support
  *   New wizards for manage members in apps and orgs
  *   Filters in every search
  *   Counters for all entities
  *   Impreved performance
     *   Bootstrap 3.0
     *   Font icons
  *   Updated general look and feel
  *   Summernote WYSIWYG

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