[Fiware-lab-help] FILAB Error Launching instances

Alvaro Romero aromero at magicbox.es
Tue May 26 11:50:51 CEST 2015


I have sent the same message a minutes ago in Spanish, this is the english
version for all the list members could undertand the question.

We are trying to launch an instance to deploy a context broker  under our
FILAB Cloud environment. We have tried an empty and clean CentOS image and
the Orion Context Broker image. With both of then te result is the same:
ERROR in status and SPAWNING in Task

The information about the instances:

Context-broker image:

region: spain2
instance id: 7207e8eb-e2c8-4765-ab98-d99505564806
image-name: orion-psb-image-R4.2
(with version 4.1 the result is the same)

CentOS base image:

instance id: 3c6be2b8-e13e-4e64-87d0-c9099b65088a
image-name: CentOS-7-x64

What's the problem? What can we do to solve it?

Thank's in advance

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