[Fiware-lab-help] Reg: Assistance for RSS Authentication

mahendran kathirvel mahendran at austenlewis.co.uk
Tue May 26 14:52:38 CEST 2015

Hi There,

We have our community account and we are using* Revenue Settlement and
Sharing System (RSS) *but we are facing issues when we tried to send HTTP
request for getting access token. Can you please help us by providing the
HTTP request format for authentication.

Also we tried to access the backend web interface for RSS (url:
http://rss.lab.fiware.org:8080/fiware-rss/) with the same account username
& password but its not allowing us to log in so we are not sure whether our
instance is configured properly can you verify our configuration please?

Thanks much.
Kind Regards,
Mahendran Kathirvel
Web Developer
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