[Fiware-lab-help] about port 3000

Edisonweb technical support support at edisonweb.com
Tue Oct 13 11:53:53 CEST 2015

Dear sirs,


we created an instance with a web service that runs on port 3000. We have
associated the instance to a security group where port 3000 is enabled, but
the service was unreachable from the outside.

Are there firewall policies unknown to us that cause this problem?


Best regards, 


Technical Support

Edisonweb  |  Innovation as a Service  |  [QMS UNI EN ISO 9001:2008]


Via I. Silone, 21  |  IT 95040 Mirabella Imb. [CT]  |  Ph +39 0933 99 11 99
|  Fax  +39 0933 193 6200  

 <http://www.edisonweb.com/> www.edisonweb.com  |
<mailto:support at edisonweb.com> support at edisonweb.com


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