[Fiware-lab-help] FIWARE Lab Assistance

Giorgio Federici giorgio.federici at eng.it
Tue Oct 20 12:42:11 CEST 2015


I have a problem with my Filab Cloud (community user for Spain2 node)
I have an IP address allocated, but the platoform doesn't see it. When I 
try to delete or assign it, the system give me this error:

{"itemNotFound": {"message": "The resource could not be found.", "code": 

Can you help me?
Thank you!



*Giorgio Federici*
SpagoBI Junior Solution Developer

*SpagoBI Labs
Engineering Group*
Via Orvieto 19 - 10149 Turin - Italy
Tel. + 39 011 6990891
www.spagobi.org <http://www.spagobi.org> - www.eng.it 

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