[Fiware-lab-help] Question abaut OPEN EPC guide to install

Rosemberth Rodriguez Arteaga rosemberth at unicauca.edu.co
Wed Oct 21 02:24:43 CEST 2015

Hello fiware-lab-help,

I am Rosemberth and I am a student of telecommunications at Universidad of

I am currently installing the S3C EPC-OTT API Enabler in an Ubuntu 14.04
virtual machine following these directions:

In "1.2.3 Step 2.3: Installation of EPC-OTT API Enabler" the point says
to copy the "rxconfig.xml" and the "s14.properties" to a directory.

My question is where to find these two files because I have searched in
too many directories and I could not find them. Are they included in

Thank you very much  in advance for the response.


*Universidad del Cauca: Calidad académica con compromiso regional y 
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