Hi Josè, the question was: a) Is it possible to reach the 2 instances we have created ( and from the single floating IP address we have currently ? (Mapping one instance on port 80 and the other on another port (eg: 88) ? b) Alternatively, is it possible to have a secon public floating IP address ? Thanks for your support Michele 2015-10-21 15:44 GMT+02:00 José Ignacio Carretero < joseignacio.carreteroguarde at telefonica.com>: > The neutron capabilities are enabled, however, the quotas are 0 routers > and 0 networks by default. > > The IP is being NATed, that's why you can ssh it or the VM can reach the > world with that IP. And it is mapped in L3 (IP level), nothing to do with > higher levels (TCP levels). Anything coming from the private ip will be > translated to a public IP and the reverse way is also true, anything going > to the public IP will be translated to be sent to the private IP. > > Regards, > José Ignacio. > > El 21/10/15 a las 12:43, Daniele Santoro escribió: > > I suppose yes. In Spain region they are using Neutron component. > > Anyway, I’ve forwarded your request to the Spain node support team. > > Daniele > > > On 21 Oct 2015, at 11:56, Michele Volpe <michele.volpe at gmail.com> <michele.volpe at gmail.com> wrote: > > Daniele, > currently we are hosted on the Spain2 cloud node, with a community account. > I don't know if the advanced Neutron network configurations are available, for NATting the single IP address. > > Anyway, we'll go through the suggestions you provided. > > Let us know > > Thanks a lot > Michele > > 2015-10-21 11:27 GMT+02:00 Daniele Santoro <daniele.santoro at create-net.org> <daniele.santoro at create-net.org>: > Dear, > > Can you please tell us: > > - Which is the region you are using > - What kind of account do you have: trial/community ? > > If you need to reach your instance from outside you can have a look at this pages:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAVH3b67hP8 (taken from https://edu.fiware.org/index.php/) > and also thishttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/27543127/deploy-vm-in-fiware-lab-nodes-with-neutron > > Best, > Daniele > > > On 21 Oct 2015, at 10:21, Michele Volpe <michele.volpe at gmail.com> <michele.volpe at gmail.com> wrote: > > Good morning, > > we need support for the FIWARE Cloud "francesco-adolfo-danza cloud" (account: fadanza at gmail.com), in terms of the following: > > > > • Setting up a NAT/PAT from the single floating IP address currently available towards an VM instance (specifically, from to > > • Alternatively, obtaining one more floating public IP address to be mapped to > > > Thanks for your support > > > Michele Volpe > > Since January 1st, old domains won't be supported and messages sent to any domain different to @lists.fiware.org will be lost. > Please, send your messages using the new domain (Fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org) instead of the old one. > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-lab-help mailing listFiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.orghttps://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help > > > > Since January 1st, old domains won't be supported and messages sent to any domain different to @lists.fiware.org will be lost. > Please, send your messages using the new domain (Fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org) instead of the old one. > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-lab-help mailing listFiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.orghttps://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help > > > > ------------------------------ > > Este mensaje y sus adjuntos se dirigen exclusivamente a su destinatario, > puede contener información privilegiada o confidencial y es para uso > exclusivo de la persona o entidad de destino. 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