[Fiware-lab-help] FIWARE Lab Assistance

Daniele Santoro daniele.santoro at create-net.org
Mon Sep 14 11:19:46 CEST 2015


Right now the registration for Trial users is closed since we have reached the limit of users for this period. In about a week/10 days you should be able to register a new trial user, again, then you will be able to perform your tests on the platform.

In any case, if you want to host your application on FIWARE you can also apply directly for a Community account. You can proceed with the creation of a community account submitting the form you get clicking on “Request Community Account upgrade” from this page: https://account.lab.fiware.org/auth/login/?next=/idm/.
In addition here you have a summary of the default resources for community accounts: http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE_Lab:_Upgrade_to_Community_Account#What_are_the_default_maximum_quotas.3F


> On 14 Sep 2015, at 10:07, Shrikant Srivastava <shrikant.srivastava at appinventiv.com> wrote:
> Hello Team,
> We are thinking to have Fiware for our application But in order to browse you platform, we have to see the capabilities you offer. How can we set up a trial account so that we can visit cloud part of your system from the developer portal.
> Thanks
> Shrikant S.
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