FIWARE Lab Assistance / community account required

Torsten Hildebrandt (jasima solutions) torsten.hildebrandt at
Tue Sep 15 09:33:38 CEST 2015

Hello FIWARE team,

I received a message today that my account was changed to "basic". As we 
are currently developing one of the accelerator projects (project 
jasimaBeveragePlanner, FInish accelerator), I need access to the cloud 

I could not find the "request community account upgrade" link, therefore 
I'm writing this email.

Please update my account to "community account", my account is 
associated with "torsten at".

Thank you very much,

Torsten Hildebrandt, Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf.
CTO, Geschäftsführer

Tel.: +49 421/221577-31
Fax:  +49 421/221577-39
torsten.hildebrandt at

BIBA (Raum 0140), Hochschulring 20, Bremen

Post-Adresse und Firmensitz:
jasima solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Wachmannstr. 105
D-28209 Bremen, Germany

vertreten durch: Torsten Hildebrandt (Geschäftsführer)
Handelsregister: HRB 30358 HB, Amtsgericht Bremen
USt.-IdNr./VAT-Id: DE299744807

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