FIWARE Lab Assistance with mysql server

Emmanouil Souleimanis souleime at
Wed Sep 23 19:17:43 CEST 2015

Hello my name is Marios Golikidis (and my partner Manolis Souleimanis)  and
I am a developer of Fi-Lab. So, I have a problem with mysql server. To
specify, I have created a virtual machine and its location is Volos
(Greece). My partners have installed mysql server to this machine and when
I use putty to connect to this machine everything is ok! I can run mysql
commands and I can take the appropriate answers!! But when I try to connect
remotely(ex cosmos platform) I have so many problems and this is very
important for my application to work. Also i have run the command GRAND ALL
PRIVILEGES .... and I have configured my machine to listen at
ports(22,3306,80,443), and I have configured bind addresses  of mysql
server and I have read all the relative comments in stack overflow but
nothing. You are my last hope to my solution or the administrator of
Volos's machine(I don't have his e-mail). I will be waiting for your
answers.. Thank You!!!!

It's a VM named SPELLPOI with POI Data Provider  on in Volos
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