[Fiware-lab-help] FIWARE Lab Assistance

Giuseppe Cossu giuseppe.cossu at create-net.org
Mon Sep 28 10:11:21 CEST 2015

In which node is deployed your VM?


On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Nikos Kalatzis <nikosk at mail.ntua.gr> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am facing various issues with the fiware cloud GE. I have installed the
> CentOS orion-psb-image-R4.2
> <https://cloud.lab.fiware.org/#nova/images/488f8701-8077-43e9-bef4-c0f852049fc7>,
> which contains the orion context broker and a mongoDB for persistent
> storage of data. On the same node I have deployed a tomcat application
> server. An external IP and a security policy were assigned.
> The overall framework was accessible and worked fine for more than a
> month.
> The first issues started when the instance changed from active state to
> suspended without any obvious reason. I tried to activate again the
> instance or reboot it and the result is that now is permanently on a
> rebooting state. Of course I can't access it through SSH and I have no
> access to mongoDB or to orion context broker.
> I deployed another instance with a similar configuration (CentOS, Orion
> context broker, mongo DB, Tomcat) that worked fine for a few hours. Now
> eventhough I see the instance through the cloud portal as "Active" I can't
> access it through SSH and Orion context broker is not accessible.
> Any help is more than welcome.
> Regards,
> Nikos.
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