[Fiware-lab-help] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-5856) FIWARE.Request.Lab.VM instances

mermix Access Nearby Tools info at mermix.gr
Fri Feb 12 12:23:13 CET 2016

Hello again,
of course we would like to migrate to PiraeusU, or if there is one node
that would last longer let us know.
We still want to have 5 vms and 2 public Ips. Is it possible after the

Please, let us know about the procedure we must follow.

Thank you!

mermix team

26, Agias Paraskevis str,

PS 35100, Lamia, GREECE

t. +30 22310 54040


[image: Lobo_300x81]

Access Nearby Tools

On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 11:34 AM, Help-Desk <jira-help-desk at fi-ware.org>

> Hello guys,
> We have this statement from our node team:
> "Dear Omer,
> since our node is going to be discontinued by the end of the month i
> believe it would not be a good idea to create more VM's.
> Better we can ask the user to migrate their vm's to another node (maybe
> PiraeusU which will be online until September??? or someone else who will
> be online even more).
> Regards,
> PiraeusN Node Helpdesk Team."
> Would it be ok for you if we migrate you to another node?(PiraeusU for
> example?)
> Thanks kr
> Omer
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ozdemir, Omer Faruk created HELP-5856:
> -----------------------------------------
>              Summary: FIWARE.Request.Lab.VM instances
>                  Key: HELP-5856
>                  URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-5856
>              Project: Help-Desk
>           Issue Type: extRequest
>           Components: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
>             Reporter: FW External User
> This email was generated by the FIWARE JIRA (http://jira.fiware.org).
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