Having problems viewing this message, please click here [http://www.openforumconferences.co.uk/display.php?M=3690995&C=c2a9a91c24a1dc0e81825247115d9351&S=2538&L=498&N=506] for webversion. Conference Overview Having completed three successful conferences in less than 12 months and bringing together more than 900 delegates from NHS trusts across the country, due to demand we have now turned our focus on to the "Implementation and Progress" of the NHS 5 Year Forward View (NHS 5YFV). The 5YFV is no longer just a vision but a reality. After working with patient groups, clinicians, local government and national partners, the NHS tapped into a widely accepted consensus on the need for change, and a shared ambition for the future. Success requires providers to think beyond statutory and organisational borders to meet the needs. The event looks at the practical and theory through active case studies and best practice examples. Register your interest here [mailto:ben at openforumconferences.co.uk?subject=Register%20Interest%20On:%20NHS%205YP:%20Implementation%20&body=Name:%20%0D%0AContact%20Number:%0D%0AOrganisation:%0D%0ADetails:%0D%0A] Book a Place [http://www.openforumconferences.co.uk/link.php?M=3690995&N=2538&L=362&F=T Programme [http://www.openforumconferences.co.uk/link.php?M=3690995&N=2538&L=196&F=T] [http://www.openforumconferences.co.uk/link.php?M=3690995&N=2538&L=360&F=T Overview [http://www.openforumconferences.co.uk/link.php?M=3690995&N=2538&L=363&F=T order to fully understand the potential of the NHS 5YFV we have been asked to offer clarity on the following: What does the journey into a new era of healthcare look like and how will it shape the future of healthcare in the UK? New Models of Working - How are the Vanguard sites developing and are they providing improved, personalised and integrated care? Overcoming Workforce Challenges - What impact does staff shortages have on “critical pressures” in the NHS workforce? Addressing Health Inequalities - Does the UK continue to have a vast amout of health inequalities? Whilst we are living longer lives albeit not living healthier lives - Can the The Prevention Agenda help us understand the balance? What does working with Vanguard Sites look like from a voluntary sector perspective? Maximising Value - how can we maximise patients investment in healthcare evolution? Improving Business and Financial Management - we ask how is the drive for more efficiency in the NHS progressing? Why the conference is taking place: The NHS must become a pro-active agent of change, taking bold action in partnership with individuals, local government and third sector bodies to ‘bend the curve’ on predicted trends. Join us at the NHS Five Year Plan: Implementation and Progress to hear how new models of care can drive better outcomes for patients and the health system. Benefits of Attending: Explore new ideas, new thinking and new contacts to support you taking the next steps in responding to the Five Year Forward View. Follow the Five Year Forward View to discover how new models of care could drive better outcomes for patients and for the health system. Benefit from an in-depth look at the three health care gaps contained within the 5YFV. Learn how to deliver an information and intelligence service to support effective action, locally and nationally, to promote and protect health and wellbeing, prevent illness, advance equality, tackle inequalities and improve public health outcomes. Identify those actions that the NHS will need to undertake collaboratively action with individuals, local government and other public, private and third sector bodies alongside the health service. Learn the main reasons why the NHS will need to undergo further transformation. Explore how the NHS could combine new investment and new efficiency to create the headroom to manage increased demand and continue to improve care. Learn to maximise the value that patients derive from their own care and treatment and that of the whole population from the investment in healthcare. Take advantage of knowledge sharing and professional networking. Contact Us: If you would like more information or would like to register for the conference. Please contact Benjamin Selby on the details below. Invoice options are available when registering your place. Benjamin Selby Marketing Executive Open Forum Events ben at openforumconferences.co.uk 0161 376 9007 Unsubscribe [http://www.openforumconferences.co.uk/link.php?M=3690995&N=2538&L=6&F=T] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-lab-help/attachments/20160328/26e8aa01/attachment.html>
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