[Fiware-lab-help] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-7572) difficulty with logging in to instance

Help-Desk jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org
Thu Nov 3 10:12:00 CET 2016

>From FIWARE JIRA - Main Help Desk ----


FW External User - Today 10:11 AM
Comment by marcotillemans at gmail.com : 


I'm mailing to the list again, since I haven't got a reply from
jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org on my last mails for 6 days. I'd like to
review a few steps when creating a instance to see if I'm using the correct
settings (see attached mail below). Can I get any assistance here or should
I ask this question somewhere else?

With kind regards,

Marco Tillemans

On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Marco Tillemans <marcotillemans at gmail.com>

> Hello Fernando,
> I want to check a few steps of creating the instance and corresponding
> settings with you, to see if I've chosen the correct settings..
> In the creation of the instance, 2 things are unclear to me. In step 3 of
> creating a instance 3 different networks can be selected, I've associated
> all networks with the instance (see attached screenshot), is this the
> correct action? I've looked into the setup guide (link
> <http://www.slideshare.net/flopezaguilar/setting-up-your-virtual-infrastructure-using-fi-lab-cloud-32388357>),
> but couldn't find a explanation of the different networks to select from.
> Then when assigning the floating ip address to the instance, I choose the
> last option (see second screenshot), that is the only ip address to which
> the floating ip address can be assigned to. The others give a error
> message. Is this the correct ip address to link the instance to the
> floating ip address?
> Thanks in advance for your assistance.
> With kind regards,
> Marco Tillemans
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Marco Tillemans <marcotillemans at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hello Fernando,
>> Thanks for the reply. I've changed the permissions from 0400 to 0600 and
>> used username 'ubuntu', but I still get a time out. I'm wondering if my
>> security group rules are correct. I've attached a screenshot of it.
>> With kind regard,
>> Marco Tillemans
>> On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Help-Desk <jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.or
>> g> wrote:

FW External User - Monday 10:37 AM
Comment by marcotillemans at gmail.com : 

Hello Fernando,

I want to check a few steps of creating the instance and corresponding
settings with you, to see if I've chosen the correct settings..

In the creation of the instance, 2 things are unclear to me. In step 3 of
creating a instance 3 different networks can be selected, I've associated
all networks with the instance (see attached screenshot), is this the
correct action? I've looked into the setup guide (link
but couldn't find a explanation of the different networks to select from.

Then when assigning the floating ip address to the instance, I choose the
last option (see second screenshot), that is the only ip address to which
the floating ip address can be assigned to. The others give a error
message. Is this the correct ip address to link the instance to the
floating ip address?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

With kind regards,

Marco Tillemans

On Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Marco Tillemans <marcotillemans at gmail.com>

> Hello Fernando,
> Thanks for the reply. I've changed the permissions from 0400 to 0600 and
> used username 'ubuntu', but I still get a time out. I'm wondering if my
> security group rules are correct. I've attached a screenshot of it.
> With kind regard,
> Marco Tillemans
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Help-Desk <jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org
> > wrote:

FW External User - Friday 9:30 AM
Comment by marcotillemans at gmail.com : 

Hello Fernando,

Thanks for the reply. I've changed the permissions from 0400 to 0600 and
used username 'ubuntu', but I still get a time out. I'm wondering if my
security group rules are correct. I've attached a screenshot of it.

With kind regard,

Marco Tillemans

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Help-Desk <jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org>


Fernando Lopez - 27/Oct/16 4:38 PM
Hi Marco,

Just one thing, the users cannot have access using root or FIWARE Lab user, they should do ubunto, centos or debian user (depending of the OS) and other things the .pem file should have only 0600 permissions.

Budapest Node Helpdesk - 26/Oct/16 10:56 PM
The issue has been emailed: \\
- Time sent: *26/Oct/16 10:56 PM*
- To: *marcotillemans at gmail.com*
- with subject: *(HELP-7572) [Fiware-lab-help] difficulty with logging in to instance *

Thank you! I forwarded your problem to the operators of Spain 2. They will contact you soon.

Best regards,
-- on behalf of level-1 support team

FW External User - 26/Oct/16 9:48 PM
Comment by marcotillemans at gmail.com : 


The node is running in the Spain - 2 region.

With kind regards,

Marco Tillemans

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 9:40 PM, Help-Desk <jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org>


Budapest Node Helpdesk - 26/Oct/16 9:39 PM
The issue has been emailed: \\
- Time sent: *26/Oct/16 9:39 PM*
- To: *marcotillemans at gmail.com*
- with subject: *(HELP-7572) [Fiware-lab-help] difficulty with logging in to instance *

Dear Marco,

Could you please send us the name of the FIWARE Lab (e.g. Trento, Spain) node you are going to use?

Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
-- on behalf of level-1 support team

Issue id: HELP-7572

I'm trying to access a instance in the firware lab, but I can't connect to
it using ssh.

I've created a instance, assigned a public ip, created a keypair and a
custom security group and assigned them both to the instance. The security
group opens port 22 for my ip. As username I have tried the login name for
the fiware lab account and root, both result in a timed out request. I'm
connecting from mac with

ssh -i my-certificate.pem user at host-ip-address

What can I do to login successfully?

With kind regards,

Marco Tillemans

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[Created via e-mail received from: Marco Tillemans <marcotillemans at gmail.com>]

FIWARE Chapter: 

Status: In Progress 

This email was generated by FIWARE JIRA following an email received into the Main Help Desk.

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