[Fiware-lab-help] Lanian node

Dr. Dragomir D. Dimitrijevic dragomir at dragomirdimitrijevic.rs
Sun Sep 11 13:20:23 CEST 2016


Some time ago it was announced that there will be some kind of migration
with the Lanian node. I postponed this action and now I cannot find the
related e-mail. Can you help me what has to be done. I remember that the
deadline was end of September.


Dr. Dragomir D. Dimitrijevic
CEO, CTO, Founder

Food and Agriculture Cloud Technology - FACT, Ltd.

Science Technology Park
Veljka Dugosevica 54,
11060 Belgrade

Phone: +381-11-2400-589
Mobile: +381-63-101-8778
E-mail: dragomir at dragomirdimitrijevic.rs, dragomir at fact.rs
Skype: dragomirdimitrijevic
WWW: http://fact.rs, http://dragomirdimitrijevic.rs

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