[ https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-7207?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ] Lannion Node Helpdesk updated HELP-7207: ---------------------------------------- Summary: [Fiware-lab-help] Fwd: Lannion FIWARE Lab-Migration Lannion2 to Lannion3 - Digima (was: [Fiware-lab-help] Fwd: Lannion FIWARE Lab-Migration Lannion2 to Lannion3 - Digimap) > [Fiware-lab-help] Fwd: Lannion FIWARE Lab-Migration Lannion2 to Lannion3 - Digima > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Key: HELP-7207 > URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-7207 > Project: Help-Desk > Issue Type: extRequest > Components: FIWARE-LAB-HELP > Reporter: FW External User > Assignee: Lannion Node Helpdesk > Attachments: [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-7207) [Fiware-lab-help] Fwd_ Lannion FIWARE Lab-Migration Lannion2 to Lannion3 - Digimap, [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-7207) [Fiware-lab-help] Fwd_ Lannion FIWARE Lab-Migration Lannion2 to Lannion3 - Digimap > > > Dear Sirs, > I assume I should send info about VM for migrations to you. > Hera are necessery data: > User name: krunoslav at yottabyte.hr > Tenant name: digmap cloud > Tenant id: 4cdb0acc99a64fafb7bcedf24db2b691 > Region: Lannion2 > Name: digmap > ID: 8998a5e1-0bfc-46fa-8d1a-37f0da03db35 > Status: ACTIVE > Name: digmap-test > ID: 956918ba-00e9-4e6c-b09f-f916bb4c7907 > Status: ACTIVE > Name: digmap-wirecloud > ID: 6a630547-71bf-46ea-8a63-8fd94a0a5ea3 > Status: SHUTOFF > Please let me know about migration date so I could update DNS entry if > original IP will be lost. > Srdačno, Krunoslav > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: <no-reply at account.lab.fiware.org> > Date: 31 August 2016 at 11:58 > Subject: Lannion FIWARE Lab-Migration Lannion2 to Lannion3 > To: > [image: FIWARE-Lab] > Dear FIWARE Lab user, > Dear Lannion FIWARE Lab user, > As you are aware, during theese last months, Lannion FIWARE Lab node has > undergone significant maintenance, in order to perform an upgrade to the > Openstack Kilo version. > In this moment we have two nodes active: Lannion2 (in Juno version) and > Lannion3 (in Kilo version). > During the month of september, we will proceed to migrate all VMs from > Lannion2 to Lannion3 node, in order to clear Lannion2 node. > So, we kindly ask users that want to continue to use their ressouces, to > demand us the migration of their VMs till 30 Septembre 2016. > In order to schedule the migration, you will need to inform us about ( > please fill the lines bellow): > - Your project ID (tenant): > - VMs id's or names to migrate: > - Volume(s) to migrate and their Ids (if you have) : > - A date to schedule this migration (or multiple dates in the case we > are not available): > IMPORTANT: > - After 30 Septembre we will shutdown Lannion2 Node and all your data > will be errased on this node. To avoid this, please be so kind to schedule > the migration of your ressources in time. > - Your public IP addresses will be changed durring this process. So > please make the necessary changes before migration (DNS, etc). > If you are not concerned or you don't want to continue on Lannion nodes > after 30 Septembre, please ignore this message. > Best regards, > Fiware-Lab/ Lannion Region > ImaginLab Support > --- > You are receiving this message because you are a registered FIWARE Lab user > <https://account.lab.fiware.org>. Should you wish to remove your account, > you need to follow four simple steps: > 1. Log on FIWARE Lab user <https://account.lab.fiware.org> > 2. Click on the dropdown menu next to your user name (upper right corner) > 3. Select "Settings" > 4. Click on "Cancel account" and confirm. > 2015 © FIWARE <http://www.fiware.org/>. > Since January 1st, old domains won't be supported and messages sent to any domain different to @lists.fiware.org will be lost. > Please, send your messages using the new domain (Fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org) instead of the old one. > _______________________________________________ > Fiware-lab-help mailing list > Fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org > https://lists.fiware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help > [Created via e-mail received from: Krunoslav Hrnjak <krunoslav.hrnjak at gmail.com>] -- This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.4.1#64016)
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