[Fiware-lab-help] FIWARE Lab OAuth2 Questions

gabriele.cerfoglio at martel-innovate.com gabriele.cerfoglio at martel-innovate.com
Tue Jan 24 15:30:57 CET 2017


I'm currently looking into the possibility to set up a Rancher server for Docker container orchestration, and I was looking to somehow extend Rancher's Authentication service to allow accessing the Rancher server using Fiware Lab accounts via Oauth. I have a few questions:

- What are the available API endpoints for retrieving user informations? The /user endpoint is already described in the doc (http://fiware-idm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/oauth2.html#get-user-information-and-roles), but is there more that isn't documented?

- I noticed while testing that the organizations field always comes up empty in the response, even despite having registered an organization.

- Is it normal that the /user endpoint can also be accessed by writing any string that begins with user? As in, it also works with /users, /userabcdefg, and so forth.

Any help would be appreciated, as ideally I want to be able to replace the Github implementation for Rancher's authentication service with one for Fiware Lab, but reusing as much of the available code as possible, to avoid future issues.


Gabriele Cerfoglio
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