[Fiware-lab-help] mail test

José Ignacio Carretero joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org
Wed Oct 18 09:00:10 CEST 2017

This a test mail for the list, it seems it is not properly working. you 
can search the word Atriquimburi in order for find something unique

José Ignacio

José Ignacio Carretero 	
FIWARE Cloud and Platform Expert
FIWARE Foundation 	
	FIWARE Foundation
Franklinstrasse 13A
10587 Berlin
email: joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org 
<mailto:joseignacio.carretero at fiware.org>
www: http://fiware.org
twitter: @jicarreterogu @FIWARE
skype: jicarretero 	

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