[Fiware-lab-help] Give trial access to existing account

Melluso Michele Michele.Melluso at corvallis.it
Thu Sep 7 12:30:54 CEST 2017


it seems that is now possible again to sign up as a trial user.

Since I didn't find the way to do it myself, is it be possible to give the trial access to an already existing account?



Michele Melluso
Area Strategica Affari - Grandi Clienti
Senior Architect
[cid:part1.0A35F595.BB62F853 at corvallis.it]
Corvallis S.p.A.
Attività di direzione e coordinamento Corvallis Holding SpA
Gruppo Corvallis

Strada del Drosso 25
10135 Torino
+39 011 3720772
+39 345 0905565
michele.melluso at corvallis.it<mailto:michele.melluso at corvallis.it>

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