[Fiware-lab-help] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-14930) FIWARE.Request.Lab.community account.

Backlog Manager (JIRA) jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org
Mon Nov 5 15:11:52 CET 2018

     [ https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-14930?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Backlog Manager updated HELP-14930:
    Summary: FIWARE.Request.Lab.community account.  (was: [Fiware-lab-help] community account)

> FIWARE.Request.Lab.community account.
> -------------------------------------
>                 Key: HELP-14930
>                 URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-14930
>             Project: Help-Desk
>          Issue Type: extRequest
>          Components: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
>            Reporter: FW External User
>            Assignee: José Ignacio Carretero Guarde
> To whom it may concern,
> We received an email indicating that you are going to remove our community
> account. Is there any chance to keep it working? We have ongoing projects
> such as FIWARE Zone running on that server.
> Let me know if we can do something
> Un saludo / Best Regards
> Ignacio Gómez Maqueda
> Director Técnico / CTO
> Calle Federico Cantero Villamil 2-B, Desp. 6.
> 28935 Móstoles. Madrid
> Tel.: +34 644 35 06 13
> www.digitanimal.com  <http://www.digitanimal.com/>
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> [Created via e-mail received from: Ignacio Gomez Maqueda <imaqueda at sensowave.com>]

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