[Fiware-lab-help] Oil and Gas Industry updated email list

Julia Roberts julia.roberts at categorizedprospect.com
Fri Apr 26 21:19:58 CEST 2019





Hope you had the chance to have a look at my earlier email.


Please let me know your thoughts.





From: Julia Roberts [mailto:julia.roberts at categorizedprospect.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 9:48 AM
To: 'fiware-lab-help at lists.fi-ware.org'
Subject: Oil and Gas Industry updated email list


Hello,Nice to meet you 


I had a chance to review your company profile and thought you might be
interested in acquiring a list of Oil and Gas Industry Decision Makers.


Titles: Petroleum engineers/Manufacturers, Gas Plant Operators, Gas
Compressor, Pump Operators, Lubricants, Manufacturers, Miners, Transporters,
Producers and Wholesalers, Manufacturers and Distributors, Fabricators of
Propane Gas Cylinders and Tanks, Transporters Engineering Contractor and
many other professionals. Supply Chain and Logistics, Including IT, Finance
and many more other Industry.


The database comes with complete contact information including emails, phone
numbers and mailing address and you can acquire the database for your
unlimited marketing use.


We maintain data from all industries globally if you have any other
criteria, Please let me know your Target Audience - [Any] and Target
Geography - [USA/UK/Europe/Across the world].


You can segment the list based on (Geo/ Job Title/ SIC/NAICS/Emp. Size/Rev.


Let me know if your Target specifics and Geo. I'd be happy to send over our
data model, our pricing structure, counts, accuracy and more details on your


Could you please let me know your thoughts ?



Julia Roberts

Marketing Associate| Categorized Prospect LLC


If you don't want to receive further emails please revert with "Take Out" in
the subject


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