[Fiware-lab-help] Public IP in Lannion

Javier Prieto javierp at usal.es
Mon Jan 14 13:05:10 CET 2019

Dear all,

My name is Javier Prieto, and I word as an assistant lecturer at the
University of Salamanca. I have just been created a FIWARE Cloud account in
Lannion region. How can I get a public IP? I guess I have to identify
myself, how can I do that?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Javier Prieto
javierp​@​usal.​es <javierp at usal.es> /
+34 677 522 674
+34 923 294 500 (ext. 6592)
BISITE Research Group -
http://​bisi​te.​us​al.​es <http://bisite.usal.es>
University of Salamanda, Edificio I+D+i, C/ Espejo s/n, 37007, Salamanca
IoT Digital Innovation Hub -
www​.innovation​hub.​es <http://www.innovationhub.es>
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