[Fiware-lab-help] Fwd: [FIWARE Lab] Creation user account

Guillermo Lescano guillermo.lescano at matriceconsulting.com.ar
Thu Oct 31 11:28:50 CET 2019

Buen dia, por favor, estoy intentando generar un usuario, y todavia no me
ha llegado la autorización.

He enviado numerosos mails a distintas casillas de correo y no he obtenido
respuesta, a mi problema.

Por favor aguardo vuestros comentarios.

Muchas gracias

---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Fernando Lopez <fernando.lopez at fiware.org>
Date: jue., 31 oct. 2019 a las 6:42
Subject: [FIWARE Lab] Creation user account
To: <gylescano at gmail.com>

Dear user,

We have received a ticket in our creation user system about a problem with
your account. Nevertheless, it is not the correct system to receive issues
about the FIWARE Lab. You should redirect the question through the email
fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org

That is the reason why it was not answered that ticket. Sorry for the

Best regards,

FIWARE Lab administrative support
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