[Fiware-lab-help] Important Investment Proposal!

pauljorgenhocker at gmail.com pauljorgenhocker at gmail.com
Wed Jul 15 18:51:18 CEST 2020


I am Mr. Paul Höcker, an attorney with a Law Firm in The Netherlands and I have a mutual business proposal for you, I represent a client from Asia that has legitimate funds in The Netherlands that he want to invest into any minimum risk venture that has good profit returns, Everything about this transaction will be done legally without any bridge of financial laws both in my Country and yours, Kindly reply back through my email address below if you are interested so that I can give you detailed information.
  Best Regards.
Paul Höcker (Advocate).
Tel: +31 633 268 156.
Email:  PaulHocker at counsellor.com

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