[Fiware-lab-help] ITSWC 2021 Visitors Database

Deanna Fraker deanna.fraker at eventvisitors.com
Tue Oct 26 15:31:40 CEST 2021



I'm sorry to trouble you. I would love to hear your thoughts with the
follow-up request.


Await your swift response







From: Deanna Fraker [mailto:deanna.fraker at eventvisitors.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 9:08 AM
To: 'fiware-lab-help at lists.fiware.org'
Subject: ITSWC 2021 Visitors Database
Importance: High




I see that your company is a part of the ITS World Congress Conference &
Expo 2021!


Would you be interested in acquiring the attendees contact list for your pre
and post-event campaigns?


Visiting Professionals: - Industry Stakeholders, Policymakers, OEM's,
Entrepreneurs, Researchers, Academics, Investors, Influencers, Decision
Makers and more...


If you are interested, drop me a line. I will get back to you with counts,
cost and more information for your review!



Deanna Fraker

Marketing Executive.


If don't need, please respond back with "Cancel".




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