[Fiware-lab-recovery-tf] Status of Community User Account requests

MANUEL ESCRICHE VICENTE manuel.escrichevicente at telefonica.com
Wed Jun 24 11:09:21 CEST 2015

First those graphs don’t differentiate the accounts request issues from the account provisioning issues, since both types are in the same tracker. So Coaches and nodes work is mixed in the statistic.
[2] – Because it only counts from the starting date you configure; then, you can solve more issues than created because you are resolving issues created before the starting date configured i.e. ‘past issues’
[3] – for unresolved issues on a given day, it gives the average number of days left unresolved.
[4] – for resolved issues on a given day, it gives the average number of days issues took to be resolved –

To understand the big picture better we keep both statistics for request<http://backlog.fiware.org/lab/upgradeAccount> and provision<http://backlog.fiware.org/lab/provisioning>:
In the requests graph, we see some recovery (resolved > created) lately, both in the graph, and in the mean, 12.7 days (13.3 days global average).
The bad news is pending issues are waiting 22.3 days on average.
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D0AE6E.3459F290]

If we look at how nodes implement the request, they are quicker to do it (8.8 days), but there’re some waiting for almost a month (28.2 days)
[cid:image005.jpg at 01D0AE6E.3459F290]
It’s possible to understand how nodes<http://backlog.fiware.org/lab/provisioning/nodes> are reacting:
For example, Spanish node is providing account on 6.1 days lately. But there seem to be some hard to solve issues stalled.
[cid:image009.jpg at 01D0AE6E.3459F290]

I hope it helped.

From: fiware-lab-recovery-tf-bounces at lists.fiware.org [mailto:fiware-lab-recovery-tf-bounces at lists.fiware.org] On Behalf Of Juanjo Hierro
Sent: miércoles, 24 de junio de 2015 8:40
To: fiware-lab-recovery-tf at lists.fiware.org
Subject: [Fiware-lab-recovery-tf] Status of Community User Account requests


  I have taken a look at the table at:


  and I have found that it hasn't been updated since a month.   Engineering should have been following this up making sure that each of the nodes gives a report on the status at least weekly.

  Could someone send an email to responsibles of the nodes so that they can update the table?   We asked them to do so frequently but of course we should have followed up the action was actually taken.  Could you Alfonso?

  Knowing the status regarding creation of FIWARE Lab Community User accounts is important in front of our call with the EC tomorrow.

  Taking a look at the FLUA JIRA statistics [1], there are some figures I would like to hear an explanation about:

  *   Looking at [2], I see now there are more issues solved than created ... how this can be?
  *   Looking at [3] and [4], it seems like we have a poor time response, although I see a contradiction between [3] (which seems to give an average of more than 20 days) and [4] (where seems to give an average of more than 10 days) ... anyways, it doesn't look like it is improving but getting worse ... is it actually the case?

  Could Alfonso elaborate on the figures and generally how we are performing when answering requests to the creation of Community User accounts?

  [1] - https://jira.fiware.org/projects/FLUA?selectedItem=com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-plugin:report-page
  [2] - https://jira.fiware.org/secure/ConfigureReport.jspa?projectOrFilterId=project-11101&periodName=daily&daysprevious=30&cumulative=true&versionLabels=major&selectedProjectId=11101&reportKey=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.reports%3Acreatedvsresolved-report&Next=Next
  [3] - https://jira.fiware.org/secure/ConfigureReport.jspa?projectOrFilterId=project-11101&periodName=daily&daysprevious=30&selectedProjectId=11101&reportKey=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.reports%3Aaverageage-report&Next=Next
  [4] - https://jira.fiware.org/secure/ConfigureReport.jspa?projectOrFilterId=project-11101&periodName=daily&daysprevious=30&selectedProjectId=11101&reportKey=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.reports%3Aresolutiontime-report&Next=Next

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo


Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform

CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica

email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com<mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>

twitter: @JuanjoHierro

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