[Fiware-lab-recovery-tf] Today daily telco

Silvio Cretti silvio.cretti at create-net.org
Thu May 28 17:35:31 CEST 2015

Thanks Fernando,
Infographics is back!

On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 5:11 PM, FERNANDO LOPEZ AGUILAR <
fernando.lopezaguilar at telefonica.com> wrote:

>  Hi Silvio
>  I give details inline
>   De: Silvio Cretti <silvio.cretti at create-net.org>
> Fecha: Thursday 28 May 2015 16:49
> Para: "fiware-lab-recovery-tf at lists.fiware.org" <
> fiware-lab-recovery-tf at lists.fiware.org>
> Asunto: [Fiware-lab-recovery-tf] Today daily telco
>   Hi all,
> today I am alone in the telco, so I disconnected.
> Tomorrow and on next Monday/Tuesday I cannot attend the telco (on Monday
> and Tuesday all CNET offices are closed).
> I see these important points to be sorted out:
> 1) currently the machine hosting the monitoring in Spain is not working
> properly (filesystem mounted in read only mode) but we do not know who to
> contact
>  Yes, true we are working in order to recover the services after the
> problem with the Storage System. We will recover it asap.
>    2) deletion of trial users: beware of the "internal" users collected
> in the google doc mentioned in point 20d of the minutes (see also Alfonso's
> email)
>  I will take them into consideration regarding the users to be deleted.
>    3) to be decided if the new infographics can be put online.
> Best regards,
>   silvio
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